Yoga Exercises for Soccer Players | Fitness Tip of The Day

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Yoga Exercises for Soccer Players

Athletes require excellent body flexibility to avoid any injury or discomfort. Soccer players need yoga practice in order to improve their strength and flexibility. There are countless benefits associated with practicing yoga in daily life for all. Here are few benefits of yoga for soccer players:

  1. Improved flexibility:

    In order to prevent hamstrings pulls or tears, soccer players can indulge in multiple yoga moves. These moves include Standing Forward Bend, Intense Side Stretch, and Downward-Facing Dog. These exercises bring flexibility as hip flexors in quadriceps and calves to avoid injury during play.

  2. Increased balance:

    Knee injuries are common among soccer players. Certain yoga moves like Half Moon, Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe pose and Lord of the Dance Pose aids in improving balance. These moves strengthen ligaments and muscles around knees and ankles. These muscles prevent misalignment and muscle injury.

  3. Core Strength:

    Yoga postures like Chair pose, Plank, Boat pose and Crane tends to improve core muscles among athletes. For soccer players, these moves can improve muscles in torso, including your abdominals and lower back muscles. People should avoid Uddiyana bandha if they have stomach ulcer, high blood pressure or are menstruating or pregnant.

  4. Improved Focus:

    Yoga breathing moves can calm down nervous system. By controlling breath, soccer players can improve their focus and awareness during play.

Athletes specifically soccer players can practice yoga to avoid injuries and misalignment. They can practice it at anytime and anywhere. Yoga is low-intensity exercise that empowers mind, body, and soul. People who are not into sports can also practice yoga for their physical and mental well-being.

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