Wrinkles & their Treatment | Fitness Tip of The Day

Categorized | Skin care

Wrinkles & their Treatment

Wrinkles are visible creases in the skin. Wrinkles form as the skin loses its collagen, a protein that allows the skin to retain fluids that support a smooth, supple contour. As the collagen- filled elastic tissues underlying the skin are increasingly damaged, wrinkles deepen and become more prominent. Although wrinkling is a normal part of aging, exposure to ultraviolet light and free radicals accelerate the process. Frequent exposure to sunshine results in premature skin wrinkling and increased pigmentation, called liver spots.

Here are some natural treatments which help you in wrinkle cure.

  • Never intentionally expose your skin to midday sun, always use sunscreen to avoid skin damage. However, do not wear sunscreen all the time; daily exposure to early morning or late afternoon sun helps the skin manufacture vitamin D, which is important for numerous bodily processes, including the prevention of most forms of skin cancer.
  • Drink eight glasses of water daily. Adequate hydration helps maintain skin tone.
  • Use natural oils rather than harsh soaps and cold creams to remove dirt and makeup.
  • Avoid alcohol-based toning solutions. These can dry and chap the skin.
  • Get regular exercise, and treat high blood pressure and other circulatory disorders. Like other organs, the skin receives its nourishment through the bloodstream. Exercise increases circulation to the skin.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables. It fights damage caused by free radicals (unstable molecules that can damage cells), which in turn helps skin look younger and more radiant, and protects against some effects of photoaging.
  • Massage lemon juice all over your skin to help get rid of wrinkles. The juice works as a deep cleansing agent and may help keep the skin clean and taut.
  • Another anti-aging treatment is the application of a face pack made up of rose water, honey and turmeric. Use this mixture to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin and prevent wrinkles.
  • Pineapple is rich in antioxidants and is a fruit known for its anti-aging effects. Apply pineapple juice all over the skin and leave it on for five minutes before washing off. This increases the level of Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHA) in the skin that are essential to fight the aging process.
  • An ancient home remedy for the removal of wrinkles, cabbage juice should be massaged over the facial skin and left to dry. After the juice dries, rinse it off with warm water. Cabbage juice is believed to help tighten up facial muscles.

Natural Treatment for Wrinkles cannot stop the aging process, but they can slow it down. Herbal antioxidants in skin creams stop the free-radical processes that destroy collagen.

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