What Happens in Our Body When You Drink Soda - Fitness Tip of The Day
Friday, February, 19, 2016

What Happens in Our Body When You Drink Soda

It is well known fact that carbonated drinks are not good for your health. It is high in sugar, caffeine and other various chemicals that contribute to adverse effects these beverages have on our body. Human body reacts strongly when exposed to such ingredients of average soda drinks.

side effects of soda

Following things happen within an hour of drinking a single can of soda:

  • You get a high sugar level within 20 min. Your blood sugar rises quickly resulting in a quick release on hormone insulin. Liver tries to compensate it by turning excessive sugar into fat and stores it around the body.
  • All the caffeine is absorbed by our body within 40 min and responds to substance called pupils dilate; as a result blood pressure rises and liver dumps even more sugar into the bloodstream.
  • The body increase dopamine production after 45 min which gives a person an imminent sensation of pleasure, similar way the body responds to the heroin!
  • After an hour or so our body develops a sugar crash. A person can experience fatigue, change in mood and mental fogginess.

A bottle of soda contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar, which is equal to 100% of your recommended intake. This extreme sweetness in masked by phosphoric acid, which prevents our body from developing an immediate reaction to glucose overload. Studies have linked phosphoric acid to chronic kidney diseases, kidney stones and other health issues.

Diet version of soda has similar effect on human body.

The long term effects of soda

Studies on animal have shown that high consumption of carbonated soft drinks reduces the production of chemical known Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). It affects the brain and cognitive process, which in turn makes learning and memorizing difficult.

According to another study in Harvard University, drinking carbonated soda increases the risk of coronary heart diseases. The participants of those who study drank the most sugary drinks, had 20% higher chances of developing a heart attack

More importantly it can damage your teeth when you constantly rinse them with a mixture of sugar and acid. Acid weakens enamel (the outer protective of teeth). This leads to the development of bacterial plague the cause cavities in teeth. Furthermore, it also lowers your saliva’s pH.

Carbonated soda drinks affect almost every part of your body. Short term and long term consequences could be drastic. Avoid soda drinks and switch to mineral water or flavored water instead to promote a health brain, lungs, heart and teeth.

About Sendra Roger

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