Warning Signs of Diabetes You Shouldn't Ignore
Thursday, February, 18, 2016

Warning Signs of Diabetes You Shouldn’t Ignore

Type II diabetes is common modern age disease these days. Initially it has a few symptoms that can be easily overlooked. Most of us who have it do not even know about it. Diabetes is serious condition that could lead to serious conditions like cardiovascular and neurological damage, so it is important to detect it as early as possible. Diabetes can be controlled with a right diet, proper medication and exercise. Following are some early warning signs of diabetes so should look for:


Diabetes Warning Signs

According to a survey, in 2013, about 382 million people around the world were affected with diabetes and 90% of them had type II dia

betes. It is a metabolic disease which is caused by high level of glucose (sugar) in blood. Pancreatic hormone that produces insulin deals with balancing blood sugar levels is either reduced or the cells do not respond to it properly. Following symptoms are developed as a result of this:

Polyuria (Frequent urination)

If you have to urinate more often and you wake up during night sleep to empty your bladder, could be a warning sign. The reason being: the kidneys start working harder to get rid of excess of glucose from the blood.

Polydipsia (Excessive thirst)

This symptom links with the previous one. As you lose more fluids from body, the kidneys try to replenish them; hence you need to drink constantly.

Polyghagia (Increased hunger)

Because of highs in lows in sugar level in blood, our body develops urge to eat. Cells do not get enough glucose, therefore you carve it.


Excessive tiredness develops when body constantly compensates for the lack of glucose in the cells. As a result people start experiencing lower levels of energy and also chronically do not feel good.

Dry mouth

One could feel a dry mouth because of lack of moisture, which is both unpleasant and dangerous. Dry mouth becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and causes oral and dental diseases. Gum diseases are known complication of diabetes.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, see your doctor so you can have a blood test. Several tests are used and they need to be repeated to have a reliable diagnosis. Fasting plasma glucose test is used to check your sugar level after 8 hours of fasting. If you sugar level is above 126 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter) on two occasions, it means you are diabetic.

Things to Remember

Keep in mind that type II diabetes is up to some degree a preventable disease and its complications can be avoided with a right approach to life and health.

  • Being overweight, people with visceral obesity (fat belly) are especially at risk.
  • Physical inactivity could lead to diabetes.
  • Eating unhealthy diet including red meat, unhealthy fats, sugar and processed foods are the main reason for diabetes. One can of sugary soda a day increases risk of diabetes by 22%.

So you will have to do a lot if you try to eat healthy, exercise moderately, keep your stress levels under control and avoid bad habits to prevent diabetes. As we get older, the risk of diabetes increases, so it is even more important to promote a healthy lifestyle and stay active.

About Sendra Roger

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