Unhealthy Foods You Should Avoid
Friday, February, 19, 2016

Unhealthy Foods You Should Avoid

After reading this list you will most likely to notice that you consume at least three of the unhealthy foods mentioned in this list. People generally have no idea what they are consuming on daily basis, well most of them are aware of but there is still a large number of people who have no idea. It is recommended to stop eating these foods or at least limit the consumption.

Multigrain Products

multigrain products

Many of us believe that consuming multigrain products are healthy as it contains refined grains. However, companies are allowed to use refined grains as primary ingredient, as long as it is combined with something else. And that is the reason why multigrain products actually lack their nutritional value. If you don’t want to increase your weight, it is suggested to switch to wholegrain products.


Commonly used soda

The horror, you should never use those. Here is a reason why; most of us don’t know that a single can of soda contains ten teaspoon of sugar! The recommended daily intake of sugar is nine, keep in mind nine teaspoon is recommended for men for women it is six teaspoon. There are no nutrients at all like: protein, vitamins or essential fats in soda, just a bulk of sugar and acid. If you consume soda regularly, it will weaken your bones; damage your teeth, increased risk of type II diabetes, memory loss and even cancer. Instead switch to water.

Canned Vegetables

Two cans of vegetables

It is not that the vegetables inside that Can are unhealthy, but the Can itself represents a hazard. It is treated with BPA also known as bisphenol A that is used in Cans so that the Cans do not corrode and prevents bacteria from infecting the vegetables inside. While BPA keeps you safe from certain problems, it creates new ones. The chemical compound is linked with type II diabetes, neurological disorders, heart disease, reproductive problems, and many more. BPA especially threats kids. The alternative is to simply buy fresh or frozen vegetables.

Stick Margarine

A Stick Margarine

Margarine is the popular alternative to butter; it is made using vegetable oil instead of butterfat of milk. Its primary use is in baking, as it is easier to measure than butter. People think that margarine is healthier than butter, since it is vegetable based. However, vegetable oil is actually very high in trans-fats, which are known to raise your bad cholesterol while lowering the good kind. This provokes inflammation in your body, and increases the risk of type II diabetes and heart disease. A real dairy butter is always a better option than margarine.

Microwave Popcorn

Microwave Popcorn

Popcorn is a low calorie snack that is easy to make and provides you with a lot of fiber and nutrients that are good for you. On the other hand, microwave popcorn is one of the worst snacks you consume. The bag is filled with chemicals even more the popcorn is flavored with questionable chemical compounds that all represent a hazard to your health. Microwave popcorn increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, development of tumors, infertility, thyroid disease, and more.

Do not consider this to be your ordinary salad, because it is not. Sure, it contains both carrots and cabbage, but the amount of mayonnaise that goes in it makes it full of fat. A normal portion of this salad contains 260 cal (which is a lot for a salad). Not only that, it also contains over 20 gm of fat. If you order coleslaw at KFC, you will consume around 26 gm of saturated fat. If you really want to eat coleslaw, it is suggested that you prepare it yourself at home, and a much better option is to switch to a completely different salad.

Protein Bars

protein bar

Protein bars are no doubt a convenient snack that will fill you up with energy for a certain amount of time. Like its name suggests, they are filled with protein, which is an essential nutrient that builds muscles. However, the best way to consume protein is through animal products (meat, egg etc), seeds, and nuts. Why? Because although this snack contains much protein, it also contains a huge amount of fat, sugar, and sodium, all of which raise your blood sugar.

About Sendra Roger

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