Treat Sleep Apnea at Home! | Fitness Tip of The Day

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Treat Sleep Apnea at Home!

Sleep apnea is caused by oxygen blockage due to muscular activity at the back end of throat. At times, it is caused by brain dys-functioning when brain sends messages to throat muscles that control breathing. Air devices can give possible solutions to people suffering from this disorder. At time, surgery can be effective. There are many home made tips and tricks to cure sleep apnea.

Oral therapy

People can practice vowels for three minutes three times a day. For example, they can select to say car, keel, cool, kill, etc for three minutes. This therapy will help mouth and throat muscles to improve their functioning.

People can also practice inflating a balloon in five breaths. This exercise will improve the muscles of nose, throat and mouth functioning.

Lose extra-pounds

Losing weight will prove to be an affective factor to treat sleep apnea. When people will hit a normal/ healthy weight, the sleep apnea symptoms will disappear.

Sleep on side

People can lay on side rather than straight. This will prevent their tongue from sliding backwards causing a hurdle in airway.

Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills

Alcohol and sleeping pills will interfere with natural sleep rhythms and may cause interruption in natural sleep.

Chew food properly

Chewing food from both sides of tongue will help people improve their jaw and mouth functional movement. This will help prevent sleep apnea.

Play didgeridoo

It is an ancient play. It will help people to improve their oral functioning and prevent sleep apnea.

Mild exercises like yoga and stretching help in inducing deep sleep. Sleep apnea is common among children and adults. It reduces performance in daily tasks and responsibilities if not treated properly.

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