Treat Hay Fever at Home! | Fitness Tip of The Day

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Treat Hay Fever at Home!

Most common among spring allergies is hay fever. It disturbs people in performing their routine activities. Hay fever is bearable for few people but it gets terrible for others. It affects children and adults of all ages. Pollen, mold, ragweed, pet dandler, and grass are factors that causes hay fever.

Common symptoms of Hay Fever


  • Frequent sneezing
  • Stuffy/watery nose
  • Redness, watery, or itchy eyes
  • Bad throat, mouth, ears and
  • Breathing difficulty

Treatment for Hay Fever

Hay fever can be treated at home naturally. Caretakers can follow the instructions below:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and cover it for 10-minutes. Use this mixture daily to recover quickly.
  2. Use grapefruit and lemon peelings and boil them in small amount of water. Cover it for ten minutes; sweeten it with honey, if desired. Eat 1 teaspoon of this mixture thrice daily.
  3. Herbal bath can help people get rid of hay fever symptoms. People can make a combination of three herbs; grind it for ¼ ratio of water. Add the mixture to 4 cups of water and leave it for over-night. Boil the mixture the next day with covered lid. Remove from stove and let the mixture cool down for 15 minutes. Strain it and add it to bath water. People can soak them in herbal tea to overcome hay fever symptoms.
  4. Drink coffee. People can drink up to 18oz of coffee for effortless breathing. Asthma sufferers can also utilize coffee to get relief.

People with hay fever should keep themselves away from pets. They should keep their windows close and room environment dry. They can use air conditioners to keep their room environment dry. In severe cases, people should consult their physician or health expert.



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