Top Reasons Why People Go Gluten Free | Fitness Tip of The Day
Tuesday, March, 18, 2014
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Top Reasons Why People Go Gluten Free

Gluten is referred to a substance present in grains and wheat. About 30 % of Americans are attracted towards a gluten free diet. Some people would prefer a gluten free diet for a number of reasons. People, most of the times, go gluten free for the following apparent reasons:

Celiac Disease

People with Celiac disease have the inner linings of their intestines damaged due to some reasons so they are not able to absorb some specific kinds of proteins (referred to as gluten). Gluten diets make them ill. They avoid gluten meals to avoid severe health impacts of Celiac Disease.

Weight Loss

Many people would go gluten free for weight loss purposes. This belief that going gluten free could help you lose weight is flourishing as days passes by. Along with junk food, gluten diets are also avoided to increase the weight loss efforts’ outcomes.

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

Some people are reported to produce non-celiac gluten sensitivity. This implies that they, although, are not medically detected to have celiac disease but show symptoms similar to that of a celiac disease. Experts are not sure for the reasons of this sensitivity; however, people with this sensitivity tend to go gluten free.

Skin Problems

Health practitioners believe some skin problems and eczema cases are resolved due to a gluten free diet.

Protein Allergy

Some people are just allergic to protein and would do anything to avoid them. They would dislike proteins and thus, they go gluten free.

Inspiration from Celebrities

There is an increasing trend of celebrities going gluten free for health reasons. Getting slimmer with zero body size is the overwhelming trend among pop idols these days. And they are also inspirations for the masses. So, many people are inspired by their favorite celebrities, believing in going gluten free as their secret to zero size.


Going gluten free implies avoiding protein oriented meals, which generally are grains and wheat. People go gluten free for various reasons including Celiac and skin diseases, weight loss objectives, protein allergy and inspiration from famous personalities.

About Sophia Keller

Hi, I am Sophia Keller. Thanks for sparing time for me! Basically, playing with the words of English has been my pastime till date. The words abode is always in the dictionary but infusing a new life in to them is the job of a person who knows the knack of coinage. My areas of writing are health and fitness :)

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