Top Fitness Myths Busted
Thursday, October, 8, 2015

Top Fitness Myths Busted

As the obesity increases, fitness experts are stressing more and more on exercises. Fitness and exercise has prevailed among different societies for centuries, and so are the fitness myths. Below are some of those myths busted in the modern ages:

No Pain No Gain

Many people would just start working hard in their initial stage, just to feel the pain so they would then feel they have gained. Those people, who have ceased working outs, shall be careful starting again. Working out in the same amount one used to do long ago can harm your body. Take it slow and give your body some time to warm up.

Exercising is Done Perfect through Machines

Folks believe exercising through machines is the best way to do perfect workouts as they are fixed. This is not true. Although, machines are fixed and work in a fixed pattern, it must be adjusted to your body height, weight, and stamina level to work perfect.

Spot Reductions

Some people would believe it is possible to bur belly fats with crunches. That’s a myth. Spot reduction is not possible. When you do workouts, you burn fats from all over your body and not just from a specific area. Crunches can however make your belly muscles strong. Muscle strength can be increased but fats can’t be burned from a specific spot.

Sweating is an indicator of hard work

Unless you are working out in a hotter atmosphere, sweating is not an indicator of hard work and rapid calorie burning process. One may burn a considerable amount of calories without any sweat. So that’s yet another fitness myth.

About Kashif

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