Things to do this winter
The last months of the year are always busy. From shopping to school events and from parties to celebrations, you to do list is very long and full of things to do for others. You can also add more things; take a look at these important health items that focuses on important things that may neglect, Yourself! If you take care of yourself you will have more energy to go around.
Make Time Table for Exercise
Remember, there is no substitute for health life. Make a schedule for exercise
Home workouts list
in your to do things, strategically place 10 workouts through this winter. You can add additional exercise if find extra time for that, if you mark the days and aim to keep time in your schedule to stay on track with your workouts.
Go For Shopping
It is much easier to do shopping online, but getting outside for little shopping this holiday will not only help you “getting in shape” but will also help adding an activity to your day. You can do so by parking far from your stores, make a long trip back to your car to load packages and always take stairs to be active. Avoid holiday treat displays and just stick to your outside perimeter of store. Stock up fruits, vegetables, and shakes to help you on the track with your healthy eating. Be sure to have a quick and healthy meal on hands for days when cooking seems like too much.
Go For Regular Check Ups
December is a great month to get annual doctor’s appointment out of the way.
Make a schedule for physical check up in the middle or end of the month; you will be surprised to know how looming appointment makes you think twice before you think of skipping the work out.
Stock Up on Water
December is busy time of the year and it is easy to get out of drinking water habit throughout the day. During this cold season, extra beverages on menu and less sleep than usual, drinking water could be a secret to stay healthy. Don’t forget to by bottles of water or store bottles in fridge so it can be easily available to you.
Enjoy Coffee & Tea
Sit leisurely for 10-15 minutes, sit by the fire and enjoy your cup of tea or coffee. With all the hustle and bustle it is easy to forget this season if we do not take a few minutes here and there to relax.