Tips to Maintain Healthy and Clean Diet during Vacations! | Fitness Tip of The Day
Monday, October, 20, 2014
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Tips to Maintain Healthy and Clean Diet during Vacations!

At home, its’ easier to follow on with the diet plan. During vacation, it is a challenge to stick to it. Many hotels do not write calorie per meals but others do. People can enjoy their vacations while sitting on their healthy diet bandwagon by following these tips:

Do a research:

Before leaving, people can do a research on which hotels and restaurants offer calorie per meals on their menu. You can mark their address and contact information in your diary and take it along with you.

Eat half of your meal:

Usually, hotels serves in large quantity. People can share their servings with their family or leave the half plate and pack it up to take it away. Else, people can leave their half plate straight away.

Eat intelligently:

People knew that desserts are high in calories. They can choose to eat it in small quantities. Limit eating creamy salads- they are high in calories. Prefer grilled chicken on fried one. Do the same for French fries- prefer baked chips to fried chips.

Bring snacks along with you:

People can pack small bags of nuts to combat their hunger pangs. These nuts keep stomach filled for longer period.

Eat at grocery stores:

People can choose to eat at grocery stores. They can grab fruits, raw veggies like carrots and even granola bars to fill their stomachs. People can also rely on packed sandwiches and wraps.

Cut proportion size:

While going out, people can fill their half plate with salads and fruits and half with a lean protein diet like fish or chicken to stay on their diet track.

Choose zero calorie beverages:

People can choose to drink diet sodas or no sodas at all. Sodas are high in sugar and cause cravings for more sugar. People can choose sugar free ice tea or ice water with lemon.

Knock off alcohol:

At times, one glass of alcohol gives you 500 calories. It is better to avoid it.

Take a walk:

People can wake up early and take a walk around their resort. Spending time at the resorts’ swimming pool and fitness center can help too.

Staying healthy and eating clean diet is not an issue these days. There are many vegetarian restaurants that can help people eat clean and healthy food around the globe. A minor indulgence at certain time can serve as a reward to staying on fitness track.

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