Tips to Increase Your Stamina | Fitness Tip of The Day

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Tips to Increase Your Stamina

When people think of endurance and stamina, they all tend to focus on Cardio activities like running or cycling. But that’s only one side of the equation—you also need to improve your strength. Stamina plays a vital role in health and fitness. You’re probably wondering if you’ll ever get to a point where you’ll have enough stamina to get through even your easiest workout. Believe it or not, there are exercises that can help increase your stamina and discussed below are just a few that you can do every day.


If you have access to a stationary bicycle or even a “real” fitness bike, then put it to more use by increasing your mileage, not the intensity. To build stamina you want to ride for distance first, and then for intensity.



Swimming is great because you have to learn to incorporate your breath into every stroke. It’s also places no pressure on the joints, so you can use it to increase your stamina and cardio endurance without worrying about having bad knees in the long run.


Racquet Ball:

This was probably unsuspected, but racquetball is fast paced and fun! If you’re diving and slamming a ball against a wall, it’s hard to notice the time flying by. And that’s great, because you won’t notice yourself working up a sweat that will eventually help increase your stamina.


Step Climbing:

Whether you’re at work, in your apartment complex, or training in a football stadium, climbing steps is a sure way to beef up your stamina. Just a few steps will get your heart pumping and eventually you’ll be able to measure your progress by your ability to conquer a flight of steps without gasping for air.


Wall Climbing:

Having to support your body weight, especially using your upper body strength and maintaining balance with the lower body is an especially challenging way to increase your stamina. (But definitely a fun way as well).


Team Sports:

Whether playing soccer or tossing around a frisbee. You’ll be sure to improve and increase your stamina without noticing it through fun activities with friends.



The people you see at the gym jumping from one exercise machine to another aren’t manic. They’re just doing cross-training. It’s an effective way to keep your body challenged, by not getting too accustomed to a particular exercise, but instead challenging your body to do multiple ones within a set time frame. These random exercises help you a lot to increase your stamina.



This may seem counterintuitive as a stamina improver, but yoga helps teach you to regulate your breathing. When it comes to exercise, knowing how to breathe in and out correctly, is key. In turn, breathing correctly directly corresponds to your performance, which is directly tied to increasing your stamina.

Increased stamina can help you take on more athletic tasks without becoming fatigued by slowly building up your endurance. Working on your stamina can also help you avoid injury or disease because your body will be functioning at a higher level. Aerobic exercise and proper diet, while helping you improve your stamina can help you decrease stress, which will help you avoid more serious injuries or health concerns later.

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