You do not have to visit a plastic surgeon to hold on to youthful appearance and look younger. There are a lot of steps you can take naturally so people will be amazed when you reveal your age. If you want people to keep telling you that you do not look your age, incorporate these following tips into your life.
1. Stay Hydrated.

Drink eight 8 glasses of water (2 liter) a day. It is a good advice easy and inexpensive. Our bodies are made up of approx. 60 % water. Water helps in digestion, circulation, and absorption, and gets rid of the toxins in human body. Dry skin has less resilience and is more prone to wrinkling. So the bottom line is: your organs (your skin is also an organ!) need water to function properly. As you get older, you can lose skin elasticity and get more fine lines if you are dehydrated. So drink up! Throw some fresh lemon into your water. Lemon water adds extra health benefits.
2. Sleep Well

You know what you look like when you pull an all-nighter or you simply cannot sleep. Imagine yourself dragging the body around with limited sleep for days on end. It really isn’t good for you. There is a saying; “Get your beauty rest” , yes it’s true. Sleep is a critical component of your overall health and if you don’t get enough, it is not only bad for your health, but it won’t help how you look either. So get as close to 8 hrs a night as you can.
3. Smile and laugh
Optimists are known to live longer than pessimists, smiling and laughing can make you look younger. Adopting an energetic and positive attitude will translate to a youthful appearance.
4. Limit your sun exposure
Too much sun is unhealthy. Whereas 10 mins of a natural dose vitamin D from the sun is good for you— and anything more, you should be bathing in sunscreen. And if you do an outdoor exercise and saying to yourself, “I don’t need sunscreen for my hour long run, I’ll just sweat it off.” guess you are wrong. Even when you sweat, it will protect you. Just be sure to avoid the toxic ingredient “oxybenzone”.
5. Muscle up

Your muscle mass can dwindle up to 10 % for every decade over age 30. Make sure you eat enough protein with every day meal—about one third of your meal should contain a protein. And use exercise to build and keep your muscle as you age. You can use free weights, your body weight and circuit routines to fight muscle loss and stay toned as you grow older. With some effort and adherence to these tips, you will be looking (and feeling!) younger in no time. Just don’t be surprised when people tell you that you do not look your age.