Benefits of Exercising | Fitness Tip of the Day | Fitness Tip of The Day
Tuesday, March, 18, 2014
Home - Sports and Exercises - The Many Benefits of Exercising

The Many Benefits of Exercising

A study by National Health Interview Survey found that 64% of men and 72% of women fail to exercise on a daily basis in America. This is an alarming situation. Physical inactivity is increasing as the means of communication and transportation modernizes, and so are the problems faced by inactive people. There are a lot of negative impacts of physical inactivity. Whereas exercising daily have benefits that are mentioned below:

Immune System Strength

Exercising daily helps build a strong immune system. A regular routine of physical activities helps in strengthening the body’s capability to fight against diseases and illnesses. Exercising daily can help fight against dangerous diseases such as heart attacks, type-2 diabetes, Osteoporosis, back pain, and much more.


Exercising helps control obesity by burning some extra calories on daily basis. Obesity itself is a dangerous factor leading to several life threatening diseases.

Muscle strength

A daily routine of exercise helps you build stronger muscles. Exercising ensures blood flow to every part of the body and makes muscles, especially cardio-vascular muscles, robust. Healthy and robust cardio vascular muscles are important for a healthy heart and lungs.

Fighting Depression

Exercising daily help lower the chances of panic disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), depressions, profound sadness and stress related mental diseases.

Exercising daily ensures continuous and rigorous blood flow to the brain so in order to maintain metal stability.

Fighting Mood Swings

Exercising also increases self esteem. An exerciser would always feel good about themselves and their surroundings. Exercising releases endorphin in the body, which helps the exerciser to feel good about them and what’s around them.

Concluding, exercising daily can improve life in many ways. Exercising helps fight mental and physical diseases, improve low self esteem and lose weight.

About Sophia Keller

Hi, I am Sophia Keller. Thanks for sparing time for me! Basically, playing with the words of English has been my pastime till date. The words abode is always in the dictionary but infusing a new life in to them is the job of a person who knows the knack of coinage. My areas of writing are health and fitness :)

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