Tips To Relieve Stress | Fitness Tip of The Day

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How to Improve a Stressed Day in 5-minutes?

People often get pissed off when they start a bad with any bad event or thing. They think that particular event has ruined their day. They get annoyed and operate in a way that actually ruined their day. There are few tips and tricks to make their day a better day:

Making bed:

People can make it a habit to clean their bed. It will create a feeling of hygiene feeling and hygiene reduces stress and gives a feeling of relaxation.

Prepare a snack:

Although people might be angry for sometime due to one or worse event but it does not mean that they will not feel hungry. Preparing a healthy snack with some raw veggies and fruit would induce freshness among them whenever they consume it.

Clean/Organizing workstation:

Clearing workstation of coffee mugs and papers will help people to concentrate. It would also allow them to have a greater focus on tasks and doing it in an organized manner.

Listening to music:

Several studies has proved that pleasant music that make a person smile helps in reducing stress, lowers blood pressure and elevate mood. People should have a list of mp3 songs to listen while in a bad mood to get relieved.

Sniffing a lemon:

Japanese researchers have proved that sniffing a lemon reduces stress. People can try this quick trick to lower their stress level.


Stretching can improve blood circulation and muscle flexibility. It will relax muscles that are stretched during stress. People can do few simple moves like moving their arms and legs at any small place for relaxation.


Mediation if done daily helps in reducing stress levels. People can practice it for few minutes each day.

Keeping a happy dairy:

People should carry a dairy in which they have noted all those things that make them happy and happy events. Reading that dairy at a time of stress can help them.

Switching off all electronic items:

It is better to switch off all the electronic items at the time of stress and 5-minutes every day to counter stress. Noise pollution indirectly triggers aggression.

Setting your priorities:

People should carry a priority list. In this way they can keep that in mind that whether that important or thing is really that important for them or not. Setting priorities and working on it systematically reduces mental tension.

People can induce these few quick tricks to manage their aggression. They should try to make the best of each day because people around them are also affected by their behavior. People can isolate themselves from troubled thing/events can also help them to cope with stress.

Posted in Depression, Mind & body, Sleep disorderComments (0)

Quick and Simple Stress Relieving Tips!

People spend a lot of money on stress relieving activities and workshops. People usually get frustrated when their goals are being blocked due to one or other reasons. This frustration leads them to aggression and ultimately they end up in making blunders in office, university, and home chores.

Five quick tips to bust off stress

There are ways, which people can follow to get relieved in few minutes each day. It does not require an hour or so, it requires very less time and they are pragmatic. People can follow these simple tips after their routine work at home or any place they felt comfortable.

1. Practice Yoga movements for 5 minutes

People can set a timer of 5 minutes and do some movement to breath. They can do standing arm movements, standing forward bent, legs to the roof and Child’s pose cat arch. It will make people feel lighter in no time. People can carry this activity if they like after timer beep.

2. Dedicate sometime helping people

Helping poor and needy people brings inner satisfaction. It is one way of removing inner guilt too. People can also do some volunteer work. It will surely help them relieve stress when they see people smiling due to their dedication and concern about them.

3. Breath drills

It is the quickest and easiest stress relieving drill. People can do that in any place anywhere they like. It will not require more than 3-5 minutes. People can do breathe drills by inhaling deep breath through their mouth and exhaling through nose. They can do the opposite by inhaling deep from nose and exhaling from mouth. This will surely help them to stay calm.

4. Be grateful

People should make a list of things that reminds them of what they have. They should be thankful for what they have rather than thinking of what they do not have. It brings inner satisfaction and it retains self-confidence and self-esteem.

5. Love yourself; love everything around

People should dedicate some quality time alone, with family and friends too. They should at times practice to spend some time with nature. People can do that by playing with their children and being childish at times.

People should think of enlightening their soul by opening their heart. They can do that by sharing their thoughts with people they trust like friends and family members. People should be thankful to God that are healthy and normal rather than looking for material goals and worldly achievements.

Posted in Fitness tips, Health Tips, Mind & bodyComments (0)

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