Effects Of Obesity In Children | Fitness Tip of The Day

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How to End the Trend of Obesity among Children?

Recent statistics showed that around 15% of children around ages of 6-11 are obese. This rate is alarming in comparison to the statistics recorded three decades earlier. It is time to thinking of obesity as an epidemic and work over to find out ways to get rid of it.

Obesity as a problem

Most of the people are unable to think of the future problems of obese children. Obese children are not welcomed in society. They are being annoyed in schools by peers. In response to such behavior, they developed their negative self-image, lowered self-esteem and lose confidence. That in turn makes them isolated from the rest of the society and its activities like workouts and joining fitness clubs and they turn to eating as a self-pleasure.

Parents’ role

Parents can play their role by involving them in many activities. They should be aware of the fact that obese children turn themselves into obese adults. They are more prone to health diseases including cardio-vascular and diabetes-II in future life.

Creative intervention to end obesity

Parents are advised to find the creative language of their children. They might include activities like writing, crafting, performing and experimenting and promote themselves in front of public to retain their self-image and confidence. They are advise to watch their children if they do not know about their hidden talent. If they like to sing (performing), write stories (writing), like to make up things (crafting) and like to try new things (experimenting) encourage them. Parents should support them in their activities and aid them to divert their attention from eating and sitting for long hours to healthy activities.

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