Stay Healthy during pregnancy: | Fitness Tip of The Day

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Stay Healthy During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, you and your baby will be happier and healthier if you follow the instructions.

  • Always keep your blood sugar level up and eat healthy foods and abundance of proteins. And vary your diet as much as possible.
  • Always keep yourself hydrated. Plain water is beneficial for health.
  • Get plenty of rest. Take 10 minute break as often as you can.
  • Go to sleep early and rise as late as you can.
  • Take parental vitamins like iron and folic acid.
  • Exercise regularly, it helps you in strengthening and endurance yourself.
  • Don’t drink during pregnancy, any alcohol you drink reaches to your baby directly through the blood stream.
  • Stay away from all illicit drugs, like marijuana. It may restrict your baby growth.
  • Stop smoking during pregnancy. It increases the risk of miscarriage, premature delivery and growth problems.
  • Keep distance yourself from Environmental hazards. Like working with chemicals, heavy metals like lead and Mercury.
  • Always take care of your emotional health.
  • Stay away from the things or situation that may depress you.
  • Normal actions should be continued throughout your pregnancy unless you develop problems.
  • Inform your doctor or the technician that you are or may be pregnant before being x-rayed.
  • Exercise is significant during pregnancy. Walking, swimming, yoga, and stationary biking are some of the exercises that can be continued.

Normal exercise such as outdoor walking is suggested to help tone and strengthen your muscles for labor and keep you healthy during Pregnancy. It also helps to avoid unnecessary weight gain, to reduce stress, and to get better sleep.

All above instructions leads you and your baby towards a healthy and happy life.

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