So the question is: What are the specific benefits of post workout meal? And what meal ideas can be beneficial for you?
Post Workout Meal Benefits
Numerous studies have shown as the benefits of post workout nutrition and that includes
- Prevention of Muscle Breakdown:
A tough strength training exercise creates microscopic tears in muscle fibers. If adequate nutrients are not supplied before and/or after the workout, these muscle tears can lead to further muscle breakdown, which means your muscle is broken down to form protein that your body uses as energy to repair itself.
- Increased Protein Synthesis
After a strenuous workout, your body is bio-chemically primed to suck in more nutrients. Our muscles are highly insulin sensitive, which means those carbs you eat can help shuttle protein into your muscles, instead of getting converted into fat. Insulin is a storage hormone that has a bad reputation because it is integrally involved in fat storage. After a workout, however, insulin is your friend and a proper post-workout meal can improve muscle building and increases fat loss.
- A Quick Recovery
A properly timed post workout meal with the right amount of nutrients can decrease soreness in your muscles. For example, if you are able to recover in only a day as opposed to 2-3 days, that means you can train harder and more frequently, which will lead to better and faster results.
Post Workout Meal Timing
There is a lot of debate on proper timing of a post workout meal, but the preponderance of evidence suggests eating immediately after a workout as generating superior results. A study conducted with an untrained man examined the effects of consuming supplemental protein “immediately after versus two hours after a strength-training session. Those who consumed protein immediately after their workout gained significantly more muscle size and strength as compared to those who consumed it two hours removed from their workout.”
Because of studies like this one, the 30-60 minutes period after a workout is known as the “window of opportunity” to help maximize the training effect.
Post Workout Meal Size
We need to take into account the rates of digestion in order to maximize the nutrient delivery effect. Dietary fat slows down digestion process, so a post workout meal should be low in fat. While protein in the form of meat can take a good 3-4 hours to digest whey protein only takes as little as 20 to 30 minutes to hit the bloodstream. Fast digesting carbs are ideal post workout to help maximize the insulin effect and replenish glycogen stores. The only time when eating processed carbs is a good idea is after a workout.
Whey protein combined with a fast digesting carbohydrate in liquid form has emerged as the top post workout meal of choice for anyone from athletes to bodybuilders to recreational exercisers. Consider a carb to protein ratio of anywhere from 1:1 to 3:1, with an average of 2:1 depending on the duration and intensity of exercise you do (i.e. 60 grams of carbs to 30 grams of protein). Sports nutritionists will typically recommend consuming 0.25 to 0.40 grams of carbs per pound of body weight.
Post workout meal is the only meal in our opinion where a protein shake should be considered. Whole, natural foods are superior for getting a lean, healthy body for many reasons, ranging from greater satiety to increased thermic effect (food burns calories during digestion whereas shakes do not).
Post Workout Meal Ideas
You should consider following meals after a workout
- Whey protein shake mixed with handfuls of fruit (banana, strawberries etc.)
- Whey protein shake combined with fast digesting carbohydrate such as dextrose.
- Whey protein “Ready to drink” shake with 20-30 grams of protein and 20-60 of carbs
- Lean protein with fast digesting starchy carbs like, grilled chicken with potatoes and veggies
- 16 ounces of chocolate milk (not as effective as whey shake, but adequate)
- And of course drink plenty of water! A good 16+ ounces can help you optimize your performance.