How much Physical Activity Should Everyone Do? | Fitness Tip of The Day
Tuesday, August, 19, 2014
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How much Physical Activity Should Everyone Do?

Physical activity is highly recommended as it has a number of health benefits. It is highly recommended that being sedentary should be avoided to maximum extent during daytime. The level of physical activity changes for every age group. Below is a synopsis of physical activities for all age groups:

Under 5s

It is highly recommended by experts to promote and encourage physical activities among children from a very young age, particularly a year or two after births with water-based or floor-based fun and crawling activities. Pre-school age children should be active for at least 3 hours every day.

Age Group 5 – 16 years

This age group would need moderate to high intensity physical activities from one hour to several in a day. High intensity activities that are meant to strengthen muscles and bones should be carried out thrice a week.

Adults 16 — 65 years

Adults are recommended to exercise with moderate intensity to high intensity at least 30 minutes for five days a week. The intensity of workout should decrease as the age increases. Bones of a 60 years old adult are vulnerable to breakage if a high intensity workout is carried out. So, care must be taken and the intensity of the physical activities should be determined according to the age group.

About Sophia Keller

Hi, I am Sophia Keller. Thanks for sparing time for me! Basically, playing with the words of English has been my pastime till date. The words abode is always in the dictionary but infusing a new life in to them is the job of a person who knows the knack of coinage. My areas of writing are health and fitness :)

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