Types of Hypertension
There are mainly two types of hypertension. The first one occurs due to the increase in pressure of heart while it is pumping blood, due to old age. This type of hypertension is called essential or primary hypertension. This condition is controllable with proper precautions and good news is people with essential hypertension may live eight years longer.
The other type is called Malignant hypertension occurs mainly due to the disorder of any vital organ like brain, liver, kidneys @kidney Kidney Diseases And How To Cure Them. Hormonal imbalance can also cause hypertension in some causes. Malignant hypertension is also known as secondary hypertension
Symptoms of Hypertension
The common symptoms of hypertension includes
- Feeling of instability, dizziness and giddiness
- Inability to have enough sleep (Insomnia)
- Constipation and other digestive problems
Hypertension Treatment
Like other physical disorder hypertension needs to be treated by a qualified physician. Although hypertension is not a disease but a condition, it can be controlled through diet, exercise and other adjustments of lifestyle. There are claims about cures for hypertension through use of herbal medicines and other remedies. But we do not like to discuss the merits of these claims.
Rather there is some simple method which does not involve use of any drugs. The technique is called slow breathing. In this technique blood pressure can be quickly and almost effortlessly lowered down by slow breathing. FDA has approved this technique because of its simplicity, easy to use and practicable by all. This method has been endorsed by institutions of reputable as the Harvard Medical School, Mayo Clinic, American Heart Association and Rush-Presbyterian Hospital.
Following study has been published in Journal of Human Hypertension and other numerous respected medical journals reveal that:
“Breathing slowly and deeply (less than 10 breaths per min) for 10 to 15 min daily while extending exhalation results in significant reductions in blood pressure. That is because gentle, slow breathing acts like a natural safety valve to relax muscle tension, especially in the chest area, allowing constricted blood vessels to open and relieve pressure on the heart.”
And results are amazing; it literally takes a load off your chest!