Home Remedies for Heartburn - Fitness Tip of The Day
Friday, February, 19, 2016

Home Remedies for Heartburn

Most adults will experience Heartburn during their lifetime. That is characterized by an uncomfortable burning sensation right behind the breastbone that often times creeps up the throat, and is a symptom more so than a disease. Mostly caused by acid reflux, that occurs when the ring of muscle that allows food into your stomach (the lower esophageal sphincter or LES) relaxes when it should not. The result is acid from your stomach goes back up your esophagus, and then causes the heartburn. So think about it…it is acid burning in your throat…ouch! It is actually possible to have reflux without heartburn, but that is not possible to have heartburn without reflux. While over-the-counter and prescription medications are also available, if you have suffered only from occasional heartburn, lifestyle changes and heartburn home remedies may be the route you want to take.

A spoonful of baking soda…

A spoonful of sodium bicarbonate, or teaspoon-full to be precise, helps put an end to the gnawing, burning, feeling of heartburn caused by acid reflux.

Baking sodas commonly known as sodium bicarbonate helps your reflux and in turn help your heartburn because it is a base substance. It has a pH higher than 7.0, hence neutralizes stomach acid. Neutralizing the stomach acid means that if/when your LES decides to be lazy and acid comes up your throat, you don’t get “burned.”

Chew gum

Chew gum to reduce heartburn

The Journal of Dental Research conducted a study that showed people with symptoms of GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease), or chronic heartburn, experienced relief when they chewed a piece of sugar-free gum for 30 minutes after a meal. That is because chewing gum stimulates your salivary glands, and increases the rate of flow of saliva. Any acid that has built up in the gut is diluted and washed away or cleared out more quickly. The clearance of acid then in return improves symptoms of GERD. It is now possible that the same school of thought could be applied to occasional heartburn as well. It is our regular saliva that we swallow that actually makes normal bouts of reflux here and there completely painless.

Eat a banana or an apple

Bananas naturally contains antacids that can act as a buffer against acid reflux in stomach. If you want to try out the simplest home remedies for heartburn first, try a few bananas ripped up nicely and eat them one daily. Another option is to try an apple a day. Slice one up and eat it a couple of hours before bedtime to relieve or prevent discomfort.

About Sendra Roger

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