Home Cardio Workouts
Friday, February, 19, 2016

Home Cardio Workouts - 15 Minutes Cardio Routine

Doing an effective cardio workouts at home without any equipment could be a bit challenging because of focus, boredom, vicinity of couch and TV, and of course the limitations we encounter when trying to rev up the heart rate in a little space of our living room.

Not to worry, because the cardiovascular exercise can be made easy by breaking it into smaller increments to make it more efficient home cardio workouts to boost up metabolism and burn extra cal. You will be surprised to know that 15 min of any physical activity that gets the heart rate up four times in a day for a total of one hour workout actually burns more calories than doing a full hour in one fell swoop. It is a good example of time management when the whole workout is greater than the sum of its parts.

15 Minute Cardio Routine

You have to do this exercise for one minute. This is tough; you will likely need to stop before completing the indicated time period of repetitions for some of these exercises. This is ok, but start right back into the workout as soon as you can in order to finish the full 60 sec.

Warm up: Jog in place for 2 minutes:

1 Minute of Each:

Jumping Jacks

Crisscross Crunch

Agility Dots

High Knees

Plank Jacks

Cool down and Stretch:

Depending on your fitness level, you may break this home cardio workouts into intervals smaller than one minute long. For example, it might be easier for someone relatively new to fitness to do repetitions for 30 seconds at a time and go through the entire routine twice, rather than trying to complete a full minute of the same exercise.

However you break down your time intervals, remember that it is important to do the exercises to exhaustion, giving yourself a (very) quick rest before jumping right back into the exercise to complete the predetermined time period of repetitions. Do push yourself, but also listen to your body and be careful not to overdo it.

Do this at routine 2-4 times a day intermittently and you will notice an increase in your energy levels and you will start to notice that your waistline is shrinking. Combined with a healthy diet, something as simple as this short cardiovascular workout (done several times a day) is a near foolproof way to start dropping weight and getting into shape.

About Sendra Roger

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