Keep Your Heart Healthy - It Is Simple And Effective
Friday, February, 19, 2016

Healthy Heart - It Is Simple And Effective

Heart a vital organ in human body, we owe it to keep a healthy heart. For most of us, keeping heart healthy can only mean having a routine health check-ups and regular medicines in case of a problem. Although it is important but what is even more important to do some simple things to keep our heart fit and healthy. These involve choosing a healthy lifestyle characterized by a healthy diet plan, a workout routine, and certain things which should be avoided.

The two main bad habits that can cause and aggravate heart problems are (a) Smoking (b) Drinking. If someone is drug addicted, then it should be tackled properly. When we hear someone speaking against smoking and drinking, our reaction is likely to be helplessness. First you will think that giving up smoking and drinking is nearly impossible and that you have to accept the risks associated with these bad habits. What we should realize that hundreds and thousands of people around the world have succeeded in coming out of the addictive habits of smoking, drinking and even taking drugs. Every single day hundreds of people are joining the list. If all these people could give up a habit for good, so can you. Taking a first step is always the hardest one.

Some other factors that can affect heart health are: taking high stress and consumption of too much caffeine. We can control the intake of caffeine by restricting coffee intake. A very simple way is to decrease the quantity of coffee you take at a time and to reduce the number of times you take this beverage. It is easy to bring about a drastic reduction through a gradual slow and continuous process. Stress can be unavoidable but how long and how often you are stressed is significant. If you are getting stressed too often, you should take some counseling of an expert on ways to reduce stress. Coming out of a stress quickly can be achieved through practice of certain breathing techniques and yogic exercises.

As for foods, avoid taking sugar and oil or at least restrict their daily intake if you cannot avoid them at all. Switch to the foods that contain Omega - 3 fatty acids. Foods that contain good fats are: Grape, papaya, cherries, oranges, fresh seaweed, organic eggs, flaxseed, fish, and walnuts.

In general, food should be rich in minerals and vitamins.

Controlling your weight can help you develop a healthy heart by building up the muscles around the chest. These extra muscles consume more calories and control your overall weight. This can help prevent certain heart diseases.

About Sendra Roger

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