Health Benefits of Morning Exercise
Thursday, February, 18, 2016

Health Benefits of Morning Exercise

There is a whole lot of reasons for why it is best to exercise early in the morning, one great benefits of morning exercise is the ability to easily wake up early and to exercise first thing in the morning.

And there is tons of perks to morning fitness, whether it is to witness to the beautiful sunrise, or the feeling that you started your day off on a productive note. One study however suggests it could help you better manage cravings.

While some research suggests that the late afternoon is an optimal time to exercise. There are a lot of arguments on whether to exercise in morning or evening. Let take a look at benefits of morning exercise

It Staves Off Cravings

According to Brigham Young University study, 18 normal-weighted and 17 clinically obese women were followed for two full days. On the first day, they exercised for 45 min, walking briskly on a treadmill, and then looked at 240 photographs, 120 of which were food (the other 120 were a control: flowers). The researchers then tracked the women’s food intake and activity level for the rest of the day. On the second day, one week later, the women were shown the images without the workout. Again their food and exercise choices were tracked. Researchers found that both the obese women and the women at a healthy weight had a lower brain response to the images of food and moved around more following the 45 min morning workout.

It Helps You Stick to the Plan

Getting your workout out of the way first thing in the morning means you are actually committed to get fit. If you work out be­fore your day distracts you, your chances of exercising regularly go way up.

It Increases Your Energy

When you exercise, the effort helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles, organs and other tissues. Which means your whole cardiovascular system will work more efficiently, increasing your energy level, according to the Mayo Clinic.

It Jump-Starts Your Brain

Morning exercise has both short-term and long-term brain benefits. Research shows that the short-term benefits include better executive function and memory recall. That brain boost means that a morning workout could take the place of a caffeine fix.

About Sendra Roger

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