Causes of Bad Breath - Fitness Tip of The Day
Saturday, March, 12, 2016

Causes of Bad Breath

Causes of bad breath

Bad breath, which is also called halitosis, is a major problem, especially when you are about to snuggle sweetie or whisper a joke to your friend. The good news is that bad breath can often be prevented by following some simple steps.

Bad breath is caused mainly by odor-producing bacteria that grows in the mouth. When you do not brush and floss daily, bacteria accumulates on the bits of food left in the mouth and between your teeth. In a result the sulfur compound is released by these bacteria which makes your breath smelly.

Certain foods, like garlic and onions which contain pungent oils, also contribute to bad breath because the oils are carried to your lungs and out through by your mouth. Smoking is also another major cause of a bad breath.

There are lots of myths about taking care of your bad breath. Here are three things you may have heard about bad breath which are actually not true:

Myth #1: Mouthwash makes bad breath go away.

Mouthwash only gets rid of bad breath for the time being and it does not solve the problem permanently. If you do use mouthwash, do look for an antiseptic (that kills the germs which cause bad breath) and plaque reducing one with a seal from the ADA. When you are deciding which dental products to toss into your shopping cart, it is always a good idea to look for those that are accepted by the ADA. Also, you can ask your dentist for recommended toothpastes.

Myth #2: As long as you brush your teeth, you should not have bad breath.

The bitter truth is that most people only brush their teeth for 30 to 45 sec, which just does not cut it. To sufficiently clean all the surfaces of your teeth, you should brush for at least 2 min twice a day (after breakfast and before going to sleep). Remember to clean your tongue too — bacteria love to hang out there. It is very important to floss because brushing alone will not remove harmful plaque and food particles that become stuck between your teeth and the gums.

Myth #3: If you breathe into your hand, you will know when you have bad breath.

Wrong statement! When you breathe, you are not using your throat the same way you do when you are talking. When you talk, you tend to bring out the odors from the back of your mouth (where bad breath originates), which simply breathing does not do. Also, because we tend to get used to our own smells, it is very hard for a person to tell if he or she has a bad breath.

If you are very concerned about your bad breath, make sure you are taking care of your teeth and mouth properly. Some sugar free gums and mints can temporarily mask odors too.

If you brush and floss properly and visit your dentist for regular cleanings, but your bad breath still persists, you may have a medical problem like sinusitis or gum disease. Call your doctor or dentist if you suspect such a problem. They can figure out if something else is behind your bad breath and help you take care of it.

About Sendra Roger

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