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Metabolism and Its Effects on Health and Fitness


The best way to lose weight is to increase your metabolism. Your metabolism manages, how fast and effectively you burn up energy and process food. The higher metabolism burns calories more efficiently and lose weight faster. There are many factors that affect the metabolic rate which are out of your control, such as, age, genetics and endocrine glands etc. Except these out of control factors there are many ways to boost up the metabolic rate. Metabolism and its effects have two aspects on health and fitness. Some factors are discussed below which help you to boost up the metabolism.

Eat well:

The human’s Health Diet isn’t about eating less; it’s about eating more-more nutrition and dense food, to crowd out the empty calories and keep you full all day. That’s important, because restricting food kill your metabolism. Eating a well balanced diet of protein, grains, fruits and vegetables is the easiest way to jump-start your metabolism. Consuming healthy foods gives your body the fuel, it needs to function properly.


Stay Hydrated:

All of your body’s chemical reactions, including your metabolism, depend on water. It needs plenty of water to run at its optimal level. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water every day will keep your metabolic rate up and will help you shed the pounds. If you are dehydrated, you may be burning up to 2 percent fewer calories, while if you drink water 8-12 glass the metabolism boost up and help you to keep yourself fit and healthy.



Muscle burns more calories than fat. A great way to build muscle and increase your metabolism is to incorporate weight training into your exercise. Cardio training and weight lifting exercise provides a protective effect against a drop in metabolism. When you increase your muscle, you boost your resting metabolic rate. Weightlifting consumes calories, raises your metabolism, and builds muscle that will consume extra calories later on. Take several daily 10-15 minute walks and increase your activity by doing things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. This serves to increase your calorie burn even more.



A good night’s sleep is an essential part of any weight loss program. As you sleep, your body releases growth hormones that help to repair damaged muscle fiber and strengthen your metabolism. If you don’t get enough rest, your body’s metabolic functions don’t work as well as they should. As a result, you cannot process carbohydrates as well and your unused energy is stored as fat.

By making these small adjustments, you will not only experience a boost in your metabolism, you’ll also experience an improvement in your overall health and fitness.

Posted in Active family, Health Tips, Lifestyle TipsComments (0)

Tips to Survive Pre-Holiday Stress

Holidays stress is common among both men and women. Men are usually concerned about their finances and expenditures whereas women are usually concerned about making economical shopping and handling guests. Women are usually upset due to home chores and cooking for so many people during holidays. There are few tips to avoid pre-holidays stress that might be helpful for both of them.

Plan in advance

People can at least plan three weeks earlier before holidays. They can plan to spend half-hour each day to plan for the up-coming holidays and to make things and arrange for holidays.

Create a list to make purchase

Creating a list of things that would be needed for holidays is necessary. It will help people to avoid forgetting when they are in rush at superstores. It will also save their time in future if they make a list of things that are needed on holidays. Further, it will help them not to spend money on unnecessary things.

Do not expect too much

Expecting too much from oneself is troublesome. At times, people can give their best due to one or more reasons. Make a plan that is flexible and has space that could resist any change of plan etc.

Visit homeless people

People can visit homeless people when they feel blue. Spending time with these people will make them feel good. People can also bring holiday gifts for them. Seeing them smile will make people feel good and reduces their stress.

Modify your routine

People can reduce their stress level by modifying their routines. They can spend some time in making homemade present to go economical. They can plan to decorate their home with their children and family to feel relieved.

Take care of your health

People can take care of their health by eating and sleeping properly and on time. During holidays, they should take vitamin-C pills that will keep them fresh.

People can spend their holidays in a good way by involving their relatives and friends in different chores. It will develop a sense of belongingness and sharing happiness together. People should avoid taking too many responsibilities to avoid fatigue. Proper planning will also be helpful.

Posted in Active family, Health Tips, Lifestyle Tips, Men health, Women Health TipsComments (0)

Dry Mouth and its Cure

Dry mouth results when mouth produces less or no saliva. Saliva aids in digesting foods. It also neutralizes acids in mouth to prevent teeth decay. Dry mouth is called “Xerostomia”.

Symptoms of mouth dryness

When mouth produces less saliva, it makes lips to crack and skin to dry. People could experience rough and dry tongue in this condition. Dry skin can end in embarrassing situations like when people wear lipstick it would stick to their teeth. It would be the case with food. People can observe this condition and consult their physician on immediate basis.

Causes of dry mouth

Many medications and their side effects cause mouth dryness. Chemotherapy can also makes saliva thick that makes people feel dryness. Nerve damage due to neck and head injury can also cause dryness in mouth. Other medical reasons include diabetes and HIV/AIDS that causes dryness in mouth. Smoking and its related things like alcohol and caffeine can worsen that condition.

Treatment of mouth dryness

It is advised to consult family physician on immediate basis. It might be due to a medical condition called Sjogren’s syndrome, diabetes, cancer or any heart related issue. Ensure regular visits to dentist for dental checkups. Brushing everyday could be helpful. Sucking a sugar free gum may induce saliva and stimulate smooth flow of saliva. Drinking water repeatedly may help counter this issue.

Posted in Active family, Health Tips, Mind & bodyComments (0)

Attractive Meal Ideas for Children

Parents often complain that their children cause trouble in eating. Mothers usually get tired running after their kids. Even if mothers do not want their children to eat unhealthy food, they cannot make them to eat healthy and rich food. Children usually hate eating vegetables. They like fried chips and hamburgers with soda drinks.

Parents should discuss importance of eating healthy food with their children. Moreover, they should become role model for their children by changing their lifestyle of eating processed food to clean and healthy eating. It is not a matter of one day. It is a life style.

Here are few ideas to make healthy meal attractive for children:

1. Choose alternatives to unhealthy foods. Instead of consuming fried food, switch over to baked food.

2. Involve children in cooking. Make cooking a fun. Guide them to use low-calorie dressing in their meals.

3. Give incentives for replacing their soda with milk or milk shakes with meals.

4. Utilize cookie cutters to make funny meals like sandwiches of brown bread with low-calorie peanut butter etc.

5. Socialize children to eat raw veggies like carrots and tomatoes with their meals.

Mothers can utilize these tips to avoid and control obesity among their children. Parents should know that obese children turn themselves to be obese adults. Obese adults are more prone to cardio-vascular problems.

Posted in Active family, Children health, EatingComments (0)

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