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Tips to Maintain Healthy and Clean Diet during Vacations!

At home, its’ easier to follow on with the diet plan. During vacation, it is a challenge to stick to it. Many hotels do not write calorie per meals but others do. People can enjoy their vacations while sitting on their healthy diet bandwagon by following these tips:

Do a research:

Before leaving, people can do a research on which hotels and restaurants offer calorie per meals on their menu. You can mark their address and contact information in your diary and take it along with you.

Eat half of your meal:

Usually, hotels serves in large quantity. People can share their servings with their family or leave the half plate and pack it up to take it away. Else, people can leave their half plate straight away.

Eat intelligently:

People knew that desserts are high in calories. They can choose to eat it in small quantities. Limit eating creamy salads- they are high in calories. Prefer grilled chicken on fried one. Do the same for French fries- prefer baked chips to fried chips.

Bring snacks along with you:

People can pack small bags of nuts to combat their hunger pangs. These nuts keep stomach filled for longer period.

Eat at grocery stores:

People can choose to eat at grocery stores. They can grab fruits, raw veggies like carrots and even granola bars to fill their stomachs. People can also rely on packed sandwiches and wraps.

Cut proportion size:

While going out, people can fill their half plate with salads and fruits and half with a lean protein diet like fish or chicken to stay on their diet track.

Choose zero calorie beverages:

People can choose to drink diet sodas or no sodas at all. Sodas are high in sugar and cause cravings for more sugar. People can choose sugar free ice tea or ice water with lemon.

Knock off alcohol:

At times, one glass of alcohol gives you 500 calories. It is better to avoid it.

Take a walk:

People can wake up early and take a walk around their resort. Spending time at the resorts’ swimming pool and fitness center can help too.

Staying healthy and eating clean diet is not an issue these days. There are many vegetarian restaurants that can help people eat clean and healthy food around the globe. A minor indulgence at certain time can serve as a reward to staying on fitness track.

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Hair Color Care

When people leave their saloon after hair color, they felt so satisfied. It is recommended not to wash it before one day. After that, they can shampoo their hair 2-3 times per week. People can skip shampooing and rely on conditioner only to maintain their hair’s health. Here are few color care tips that people can utilize in their daily routine:

Hair Care Tips

  1. People should always prefer a shampoo free of sulfates. Sulfates dulls their saloon-fresh hair color.
  2. Hot water can dull hair color. Prefer to use lukewarm water for care. People should refrain from swimming in chlorine water because it not only dull hair color but it damages outermost layer of hair. If people cannot abstain from swimming, they should put a conditioner in their hair and cover it with tight-fitting swimming cap.
  3. Colored hair needs extra moisturizing. Deep conditioning can help to stay it vibrant and manageable. People can massage their hair with avocado, almond oil and Vitamin E oil. Apply it on damp hair and leave it for 10- minutes before rinse and style. Use serums or consider a saloon deep conditioning.
  4. Strong sunlight can also affect hair color. Wearing a hat while going outside can help people retain their hair color. People can try spritzing on hair oil that contains UVA and UVB filters.
  5. People can get extra hair treatment like hair gloss from any reputable salon. They can also opt for a detox hair treatment to leave shiny and bouncing hair.

Colored hair is fragile. People should opt for one treatment at a time. Hair treatments like straightening or perms can damage hair color and may even cause hair loss.

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Yoga Exercises for Soccer Players

Athletes require excellent body flexibility to avoid any injury or discomfort. Soccer players need yoga practice in order to improve their strength and flexibility. There are countless benefits associated with practicing yoga in daily life for all. Here are few benefits of yoga for soccer players:

  1. Improved flexibility:

    In order to prevent hamstrings pulls or tears, soccer players can indulge in multiple yoga moves. These moves include Standing Forward Bend, Intense Side Stretch, and Downward-Facing Dog. These exercises bring flexibility as hip flexors in quadriceps and calves to avoid injury during play.

  2. Increased balance:

    Knee injuries are common among soccer players. Certain yoga moves like Half Moon, Extended Hand-To-Big-Toe pose and Lord of the Dance Pose aids in improving balance. These moves strengthen ligaments and muscles around knees and ankles. These muscles prevent misalignment and muscle injury.

  3. Core Strength:

    Yoga postures like Chair pose, Plank, Boat pose and Crane tends to improve core muscles among athletes. For soccer players, these moves can improve muscles in torso, including your abdominals and lower back muscles. People should avoid Uddiyana bandha if they have stomach ulcer, high blood pressure or are menstruating or pregnant.

  4. Improved Focus:

    Yoga breathing moves can calm down nervous system. By controlling breath, soccer players can improve their focus and awareness during play.

Athletes specifically soccer players can practice yoga to avoid injuries and misalignment. They can practice it at anytime and anywhere. Yoga is low-intensity exercise that empowers mind, body, and soul. People who are not into sports can also practice yoga for their physical and mental well-being.

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Treat Hay Fever at Home!

Most common among spring allergies is hay fever. It disturbs people in performing their routine activities. Hay fever is bearable for few people but it gets terrible for others. It affects children and adults of all ages. Pollen, mold, ragweed, pet dandler, and grass are factors that causes hay fever.

Common symptoms of Hay Fever


  • Frequent sneezing
  • Stuffy/watery nose
  • Redness, watery, or itchy eyes
  • Bad throat, mouth, ears and
  • Breathing difficulty

Treatment for Hay Fever

Hay fever can be treated at home naturally. Caretakers can follow the instructions below:

  1. Pour a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and cover it for 10-minutes. Use this mixture daily to recover quickly.
  2. Use grapefruit and lemon peelings and boil them in small amount of water. Cover it for ten minutes; sweeten it with honey, if desired. Eat 1 teaspoon of this mixture thrice daily.
  3. Herbal bath can help people get rid of hay fever symptoms. People can make a combination of three herbs; grind it for ¼ ratio of water. Add the mixture to 4 cups of water and leave it for over-night. Boil the mixture the next day with covered lid. Remove from stove and let the mixture cool down for 15 minutes. Strain it and add it to bath water. People can soak them in herbal tea to overcome hay fever symptoms.
  4. Drink coffee. People can drink up to 18oz of coffee for effortless breathing. Asthma sufferers can also utilize coffee to get relief.

People with hay fever should keep themselves away from pets. They should keep their windows close and room environment dry. They can use air conditioners to keep their room environment dry. In severe cases, people should consult their physician or health expert.



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Healthy Stomach Secrets

Stomach aches or tummy pains are common problem among kids especially school going kids. It is a serious problem for kids as well as their parents when they have to rush to school. Spending much time at washrooms and skipping breakfast is a common reaction to stomach pain. There are many tips for parents to get rid of theirs kids pain.

Add more fiber

Fiber is the secret to healthier stomach. It keeps digestive system moving and clean. All sorts of fiber, soluble and insoluble are good. Add more fruits and veggies because they are a rich sources of fiber. Parents can consult their health experts to count on fiber quantities suitable for their kids. It is because too much fiber is not good.

More Yoghurt

Yoghurt is rich in pro-biotics that strengthens body’s immune system. This healthy bacterium is also present in body that helps digestion. It helps in getting rid of bad germs. Parents can serve their children with fruity toppings like apple and any seasonal fruit and jelly.

Cut down on sugar

Foods rich in sugar are said to add into painful cramps and gas. Even juices high in sugar can cause tummy pain.

Avoid frizzy drinks

Children nowadays prefer soda drinks to water when dehydrated. These soda drinks are high in sugar and contributes to tummy aches.

The best way is to get a diagnosis from health expert. If parents found that their kid has diarrhea, they can add more fiber in their diet to get rid of it. For constipation, kids should eat more veggies and whole grains to improve on fiber. In cases of stomach viruses, parents can start with re-hydrating drinks then, bland foods and finally adding more protein.

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Treat Sleep Apnea at Home!

Sleep apnea is caused by oxygen blockage due to muscular activity at the back end of throat. At times, it is caused by brain dys-functioning when brain sends messages to throat muscles that control breathing. Air devices can give possible solutions to people suffering from this disorder. At time, surgery can be effective. There are many home made tips and tricks to cure sleep apnea.

Oral therapy

People can practice vowels for three minutes three times a day. For example, they can select to say car, keel, cool, kill, etc for three minutes. This therapy will help mouth and throat muscles to improve their functioning.

People can also practice inflating a balloon in five breaths. This exercise will improve the muscles of nose, throat and mouth functioning.

Lose extra-pounds

Losing weight will prove to be an affective factor to treat sleep apnea. When people will hit a normal/ healthy weight, the sleep apnea symptoms will disappear.

Sleep on side

People can lay on side rather than straight. This will prevent their tongue from sliding backwards causing a hurdle in airway.

Avoid alcohol and sleeping pills

Alcohol and sleeping pills will interfere with natural sleep rhythms and may cause interruption in natural sleep.

Chew food properly

Chewing food from both sides of tongue will help people improve their jaw and mouth functional movement. This will help prevent sleep apnea.

Play didgeridoo

It is an ancient play. It will help people to improve their oral functioning and prevent sleep apnea.

Mild exercises like yoga and stretching help in inducing deep sleep. Sleep apnea is common among children and adults. It reduces performance in daily tasks and responsibilities if not treated properly.

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Simple Tips to Stay Healthy

Instead of relying on medication and avoiding junk food and sugar-free stuff, people can modify their eating habits. Healthy eating habits keep people vitalized and strong. It prevents obesity and related disorders. People can add high fiber diet with more fruits and salad in each serving. Here are few tips that people can follow to stay healthy forever.

Do not compare to others

Others usually inspire people. They always wanted to look like actor etc. A simple tip is that people should compare themselves with their past. Comparing with some ideal figure might result in terrible outcomes.

Keep check and balance

People can keep a check and balance by avoiding sugar in one meal and going relaxed on the other meal. They can also keep their small pocket diet dairy along with them.

Serve small

People can serve themselves in small bowls. This can help them control their diet positively. They can choose to take five small meals per day instead of taking three large meals.

Prefer original ingredients

Avoiding processed ingredients will make it easier for people to stay healthy and eat fresh food. People should add original spices to add taste in their meals.

More color means more health

People should try to make colorful meals. It means that they should add in more veggies and salad in their diet. In addition, while cooking, they should include tomatoes, veggies, and lean meat.

Eat fresh

People should rely on fresh fruit and veggies instead of canned foods. Most of preserved foods are picked un-ripped and they do not remain fresh when they reach super store.

People can try to take many meals each day. They can also choose to have a small bowl of raw veggies between breakfast and lunch timings. They should indulge in exercise too. Being a potato couch will hinder their fitness results.

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Anemia: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Anemia or iron deficiency is common among women than men. Many teenagers suffer from this disease. Pregnant women are also at risk to be anemic. Teenage girls following menstrual cycle are at risk to develop anemia. Anemia can be treated through supplements, medication, and healthy eating habits.

Symptoms of Anemia

People may be asked to undergo many tests to diagnose anemia. There are some symptoms of anemia, which people may encounter, are:

  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Pale Skin
  • Headaches
  • Numb hands and feet
  • Decrease in body temperature
  • Heart related symptoms may include chest pain, shortness of breath and abnormal heart beat.

Causes of Anemia

There are many underlying reasons for anemia. Here are few of them:

  • Low iron consumption
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Chronic illness and infection
  • Aplastic Anemia-where bone marrow fails to make enough blood cells
  • Blood loss due to injuries or accident
  • Sickle cell anemia- where blood cells turns into sickle shape and hinders blood supply.

Treatment of Anemia

There are two ways to get rid of anemia. First one is medication other is healthy eating. Ferrous iron is easily dissolvable than Ferric iron. People should not take any medication without their physicians’ advice or prescription. Their physician might recommend them vitamin B12 supplements depending on their condition.

People can also include fish, tofu, red meat, liver, lentils, beans, dark green veggies, and dried fruits. People can also increase their use of eggs, banana’s, spinach, and fortified foods.

People should be careful since an iron overdose can be dangerous for them. In case of overdose, people should consult their physician. Overdose can be controlled through medication and blood removal.

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Surprising Reasons for Pain

People might feel too tired and painful after work; countless factors can trigger those pains. From eating habits to clothing and dressing can cause multiple pains.

Reasons for pain

  1. Start with most common pain that is feet, people can wear arch-support footwear to reduce it.
  2. Another common pain that make people thumbs hurt most is texting messages. People are advised to make a call instead of texting extensively.
  3. Men usually put their wallet at the back pocket of their jeans. This directly influences the position of spine and backbone and hipbone. A simple solution to this problem lies in placing their wallet in dashboard.
  4. Driving in an inappropriate posture triggers neck and head pain. People should ensure that their hands and head could reach steering easily. They can re-position their driving seat according to their comfort level. They can also place a small pillow on driving seat to support their backbone.
  5. Active video games can also result in cramps. Stretching before these games can help.
  6. Avoid blue cheese and cheddar cheese; it has tyramine in it that triggers headache.
  7. Watching T.V. while positioning your neck too high may cause neck pain. If people took a nap, it could get worst.
  8. Holding a baby with fingers and thumb might also cause pain in hands. Hold baby from his back from wrist and other wrist holding his buttocks to go safe.
  9. Carrying a heavy laptop may cause a shoulder pain. People can exchange their heavy laptop with light weighted laptop.
  10. Too high tight pony may also cause headache. People can wear soft pony and fabric headbands to stay relaxed.

These are few reasons of pain. People can easily get rid of them. In severe cases, physician consultation is advised.

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10-Workout Secrets Revealed!

People may wonder what keeps fit people so committed to their workouts. A key to this answer lies in this sentence, “Fitness is a state of Mind”. It is not a matter of few days. It is a lifestyle. People have to add it in their routines just like a diet. Motivation is what gets people started whereas habit is what gets people in routine work. Here are few workout secrets that can make people committed to their workouts:


No matter how slow and less time people can spare for themselves, if they are consistent they can achieve their goals.

Effective exercising

People should indulge in exercise that prevents plateaus. They should indulge in strength training, resistance, and cardio. They should keep on changing their exercises to prevent boredom.

Realistic goals

People should set realistic goals so that they stay motivated to their workout. People should never set expert level goals they might hurt themselves.

Buddy system

People can utilize buddy system to stay motivated. They can challenge each other and set realistic goals together. They can also keep themselves accountable as well.

Plan fit for lifetime

Many people do not have enough time to spend it on gym. They can do exercise moves like squats and lunges to target their problem areas like legs, thighs and hips.


Happy people are more committed to their goals rather than unhappy people. People can achieve happiness after achieving their each day’s goals.

Watch the clock

People can do workout according to their clocks. If they are morning person, they can set 30-minutes after bed to exercise. If they wake up late, they can do brisk walking after returning home.

Take professional help

People should take professional help to observe changes in their fitness levels. A fitness professional will guide them properly.

Set an inspiration

People can take any athlete or person as an inspiration. They can set their goals to be like their inspiration.


As mentioned above, fitness is not a matter of few days it is a lifestyle. People should stay patient to achieve their fitness results.

People can utilize all these things to bust off boredom from workouts. They can stay committed to their workouts. They should also keep few types of equipment at home so that weather changes could not hurdle their fitness results.

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