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What Nails Say About Your Health

Do you know, what nails say about your health. Nails can disclose clues to your overall health? A touch of white, a rosy tinge, or some rippling or bumps may be a signal of disease in the body. Problems in the liver, lungs, and heart can show up in your nails. The nails may reveal one’s habits, anxiety level, and certain health problems.

Pale Nails:

White nails with a rim of darker color at the tip of the nail is called Terry’s nail and often a sign of:

  • Anemia
  • Heart Failure
  • Liver Disease
  • Malnutrition

White Nails:

If the nails are mostly white with darker rims, this can indicate liver problems, such as hepatitis. White Nails may reveal the jaundiced, another sign of liver trouble.

Yellow Nails:

One of the most common causes of yellow nails is a fungal infection. As the infection worsens, the nail bed may retract, and nails may thicken and crumble. In rare cases, yellow nails can indicate a more serious condition such as severe thyroid disease, lung disease, diabetes or psoriasis.

Blue Nails:

In this condition, the nails are really normal in color. But the nail bed, the tissues that lie beneath the nail, are blue. This is commonly called nail bed cyanosis and is a sign of poorly oxygenated blood or more accurately unoxygenated hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying protein in red blood cells.

Rippled or Pitted Nails:

Depressions and small cracks in your nails are known as “pitting” of the nail bed and are often associated with psoriasis, an inflammatory disease that leads to scaly or red patches all over the body.

Cracked Nails:

Dry, brittle nails that often crack or split has been linked to thyroid disease. Cracking or splitting mutual with a yellowish tinge is more likely due to a fungal infection.

Dark Lines:

There are a number of reasons for the appearance of a linear brown or black streak extending from the cuticle to the tip of the nail. Dark lines beneath the nail should be investigated as soon as possible. They are sometimes caused by melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

Gnawed Nails:

Biting your nails may be nothing more than an old habit, but in some cases it’s a sign of persistent anxiety that could benefit from treatment. The cooperation of the patient is necessary to modify the behavior. It would be unusual that this sort of addiction would signal the appearance of some deep underlying psychopathology.

Changes in the nails occasionally may signal a significant systemic disease. Most of the time, nail signs are self-limited and tend to resolve on their own. But for recognizing the disease first you have to know, in actual what Nails say about your Health.

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Ways to Get Rid of Depression



Every person has its own definition of depression. Some say it is an illness, some say it is an emotion or some say it is an attitude or life view. According to the medical science depression is the mental disturbance, accompanied with hopelessness. Depression occurs with lack of energy and difficulty in maintaining concentration.

Now the question arises what are the ways to get rid and how we are able to overcome the depression? Here are some methods which help to overcome this problem.

Best Exercise Pattern:

First of all, choose the best exercise pattern to get rid of depression. There are a lot of exercises known to help cure it. Exercises include yoga, walking and aerobics among others. The main thing necessary to do is to pick the best exercise that suits.

Change thinking immediately:

According to an estimate a person’s 87% thoughts are negative per day. To get rid of depression change the thought on the spot and start thinking joys and the happy moments that you have had in the past. Thinking of joys and happy moments affect positively and help to get rid of depression.

Word Therapy:

Speak to yourself or write good and hopeful words for you. Word therapy improves and pride yourself on your courage towards life. Words really work magically.

Get Some Sunshine:

The human body naturally produces vitamin D, which is known to help combat depression and mood swings, when skin is exposed to the sun. Make a commitment to do the real things for yourself. For at least 15 – 20 minutes per day or whenever you have a chance.

Choose Lively Friends:

Friends that are really energetic and joyful can help us a lot to get rid of depression and all the dejection moments of our life. If we have good and joyful companions then we don’t to be nervous about it.

Now a days, Depression appears as the common disease .But, its not a big deal to get rid of depression or to overcome it.

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How to Encourage Children to do House Chores?

Chores are the responsibilities that all family share to manage their house. Leading children to do a specific chore is troublesome for many parents. Here are few tips that parents can utilize with their children.

Tips to encourage children indulge in house chores

Be a role-model:

Parents can be a perfect role model to teach their children that chore is something usual. A normal activity that everyone should involved in. It is a duty of every member to help each other to clean house and mange it well.

Make chores a fun activity:

By playing music and doing chores will teach children, that it is a fun activity.
Parents can become a house cleaner in hotel and tell them dramatically that how they enjoy their jobs. This behavior will induce an interest among them and they will do it.

Praise the children who does his/her chores:

Parents can praise their children who did the best chores with most responsibility. They should never discourage their children who do not do anything. They should rather say, it would be great if you do it with him etc.

Set consequences:

Treating children who do not do any chore should not be punished harshly. They should be assigned more tasks if they declined to do any chore.

Never give money to encourage them:

If parents start giving money for every chore, they will start expecting it for everything.

Parents should take it very seriously when it comes to chores. Leading children to do a chore with responsibility will turn them into responsible adults.

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Headaches caused by Computer Usage

People who use computer throughout the day are at risk of experiencing headache. It is because everything people do can be done while sitting in front of computer. People watch their favorite videos through computers. They even order their favorite meal by searching it on internet. Excess of everything is bad.

How computer usage causes headaches

People on job usually complain of headaches. It is necessary to know what causes headaches to counter this problem effectively. These factors cause headaches or even migraines in severe cases:

  1. Sensitivity to noise at workplace
  2. Poor or inadequate lightening at work stations
  3. Sinus conditions
  4. Neurological conditions and high blood pressure issues

Regular visits to your eye-specialist will allow curing headaches on time. Following are the things to consider before meeting an eye-specialist:

  1. People should tell them how much time they spend in front of computers
  2. The type of work they do
  3. The frequency of pain they experience
  4. Details of work
  5. Illumination of their work station

Quick relief option

Dr. Marc Grossman recommends people to rub their fingertips until warm, and put them in the centre of their forehead. It will soothe their eyes. Mean while; be careful not to put their palm on their eyes.

People can visit their eye-specialist on monthly basis to avoid any serious condition. Self-medication should be avoided. Eyes are sensitive; do not use any liquid without physician’s advice.

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Snow Shoveling becomes Easier this winter!

People could have trouble in shoveling snow during winters. Shoveling snow not only requires skills and strong body. It is dangerous at times. People who are not that strong should avoid it. They can ask their neighbors for help as well.

Three Tips to Shovel Snow During Winters


Tip #1: Only Physically Fit Should Do the Chore

The question is that who is considered as physically fit to do this chore. All those people who smoke have heart problems, have higher cholesterol level and weak are at the risk. People with heart issues are at higher risk to get a heart attack during this chore. It is recommended that people ask other members of their family to do it.

Tip #2: Snow Shoveling Early in Morning

It is easier to remove fresh snow than old snow. Old snow gets heavy with the passage of time. People should remove the fresh snow from parking areas and walking tracks to avoid fatigue. They should remove it at the earliest possible way.

Tip #3: Move Correctly

One wrong move during shoveling can pull muscle and lead to injury. People should wear proper shoes and maintain their position in order to avoid it.

Sprinkling salt can also help in removing snow from roads, parking areas. Injuries on snow can be troublesome. In severe cases, consult physician immediately.

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