Food & Recipes Tips | Fitness Tip of The Day

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Shakeology: Does Shakeology Interferes with Menstrual Cycle?

You might have already heard of Shakeology as the healthiest meal of the day. All natural and fortified with more than 80-essential nutrients, it sets your body to its optimal functioning. The creation of Shakeology itself is a symbol of care and nuturance from Beachbody. Free of preservatives, additives and added color and flavor supersedes it from other meal replacement shakes in the market. There are so many benefits of Shakeology that a book of 900 pages or more can be written on it! Usually, it is recommended to take Shakeology with your workouts to get lean and bust off excessive fat reserves!

Women and Shakeology!

Shakeology is safe with breast feeding and pregnancy as indicated by Shakeology reviews. Again, health experts at Beachbody recommends you to consult your physician to check your body’s compatibility with Shakeology ingredients to avoid any worst circumstances. Shakeology is free from any harmful chemicals like steroids and added sugar that changes your body functioning.

Shakleology and Menstruation!

Shakeology do not interfere with your menstrual cycle. If there is a disturbance in your regular cycle it might be due to other factors. Just to explain you this process, you might you knew that estrogen’s activity plays a vital role in your regular cycle. The food you eat has a direct influence on your body. Phytoestrogens are found in many foods like grains, seeds, nuts, meats, fruit, herbs and vegetables. If you had your Shakeology with soy milk and had trouble with menstrual cycle, it is due to soy milk and not Shakeology because soy is one of the biggest sources of phytoestrogens. phytoestrogens interferes with your regular cycle and Shakeology is free of phytoestrogens. You can check Shakeology ingredients for your satisfaction. Also, you can click on this link for more understanding!

Menstruation and Workouts!

Talk to any coach and you will be suggested to take Shakeology with your workouts to fuel your body with essential nutrients. These nutrients keep you vitalized before, during, and after your workouts. If you have trouble with your menstruation cycle- like skipping your cycle, it may be because of your fitness training. At times, strenuous exercising sets your body in a survival mode. When this happens, your body is utilizing all its energy to keep your body going under conservation mode to allow the vital functioning of your body and as a result you skip your menstruation cycle. It alarms you that now your body is not at its healthy state.

Stress and Menstruation!

One of the factors for skipping your menstrual cycle is stress. During stress, your body releases a hormone called cortisol that interferes with your body’s normal functioning. In this state, your body is at a high rate of absorbing fat. Not only that this hormone interferes with estrogen and progesterone hormone that hurdles your menstrual cycle regularity.

Body Weight and Mensturation!

If you are underweight, your body will fail to function properly and your body will skip your menstruation cycle. Similarly, if you are overweight, your body may shift your circle and you may skip your cycle. Experts believed your body should have a normal body fat (13- 17 %) for regularity of the menstrual cycle.


Amenorrhea (the absence of a menstrual cycle) can put you in serious trouble in the future. You are prone to osteoporosis (losing calcium from your bones after a post menopausal period causing your bones to crack). It is caused by low estrogen levels in your body. Estrogens are necessary to prevent osteoporosis. By over training or excessive weight training, you may fracture your bones. If you experience amenorrhea for six months, consult your gynecologist immediately!

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Fat Burning Foods

One of the biggest factors that cause obesity is Junk and take away food. This thing reminds people that eating right is the key to a healthier life. There are few foods that help in fat burning. Usually, health experts suggest to eat food high in protein because protein enriched diet stays longer in the stomach. This thing prevents hunger pangs. Here is a list of foods that helps in fat burning:

List of Fat Burning Foods:

  1. Greek Yoghurt
  2. Quinoa
  3. Cinnamon
  4. Hot Peppers
  5. Green Tea
  6. Grapefruit
  7. Watermelon
  8. Pears and apples
  9. Grapes and Raisins
  10. Berries
  11. Raw Vegetables
  12. Sweet Potatoes
  13. Eggs
  14. Coffee
  15. Oatmeal
  16. Crisp breads
  17. Tabouli
  18. Soup
  19. Salad
  20. Vinegar
  21. Popcorns
  22. Nuts
  23. Skim Milk
  24. Lean Meat, and
  25. Fish

Eggs, Fish and Greek yoghurt are rich in protein and stays longer in stomach as mentioned above. Fish is rich in Omega 3 oils protect from countless heart diseases and chronic illness. Popcorns are high in carbohydrates that provides energy to work for longer hours. People at work can rely on popcorns to keep their weight gain at bay. Fruits can keep people’s stomach full for longer and it is healthier. People can eat large servings of fruit and veggies to curb their appetite. Nuts and beans are high in fiber too. They keep people full at a price of very low fat. Berries of all types are excellent to treat countless diseases.


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Refreshing Summer Treats!

People are enjoying summers in pools, beaches and exotic picnic spots. People can boost their summer fun by mouth savoring summer treats. Children are usually on vacation these days. Instead of annoying their parents, they can help their parents to create colorful and healthy fruit treats. They are pretty simple to make. Few of summer treats are shared below:


People will love to have a peanut butter smoothie. They can create it by adding 2 Tbsp. Peanut butter, half of a pear or apple, 2 Tbsp flaxseed meal, 1/3 cup blueberries, a small banana, 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup low fat milk and a handful of ice (this is not needed if the banana is frozen). Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. It makes about 3 ½ cup servings.

Frozen yoghurt tubes

People can freeze low fat yogurt tubes to have in place of popsicles. It is healthy and nutritious. People can add fruit jelly in it if they like.

Trail mix treats

People can create it to bust off the summer effect. They can create few small frozen bags of dried fruits, whole grain cereals, nuts and seeds.

Fresh fruit

This is the simplest of all. People can take summer fruit like blueberries, strawberries, peaches and apricots, mix it in a blender with low fat cheese to make kobabs. People can also eat a lot of watermelon after swimming- its refreshing!

One-ingredient ice cream

Kids will love this one recipe ice cream. It is simple and taste pretty good. Take 2 ½ bananas, cut them in slices and freeze it for 2 hours. Take it out and blend it in a blender until smooth. Add raw honey to improve its flavor.

These summer recipes if created with kids will be fun and a healthy activity. It will help people to teach their children how to eat healthy and clean food at home instead of relying on junk food. Junk food make them obese and increase their proneness to heart diseases.

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Ways to Stay on Diet Track

Eating healthy is matter of choice. People can choose to eat healthy if they purchase fruit and veggies alternative to junk food. There are many tips that people can follow to stay on track and prevent chances of weight gain.

Tips to stay on diet track

Prefer drinking water when hunger pangs strikes

People can drink a lot of water before grabbing a pack of chips. At times, they are not hungry at all.

Careful food selection for mid-night snacking

Mid-night snacking plays a vital role on the way people look like. People can choose to eat raw-veggies like carrots and fruits like an orange or apple to stay on diet track.

Enjoy favorite foods

Following a diet pattern does not mean that people make sacrifice for their favorite food especially sweet. They can eat a small proportion of sweet in morning and not on night. It is because whatever people eat in the morning is easily digestible whereas all the food they take at night contributes to lower body fat.

Take several meals throughout the day

Taking several small meals throughout the day will allow people to eat less at a single time. This helps them stay on their diet routine.

Eat protein at every meal

Eating protein strengthens key muscles fibers and tissues. These muscle fibers push body fat during workout resulting in burning calories.

People can take high fiber diet to control their hunger pangs. Take breakfast regularly. Those people who do not take proper breakfast eat more than who does it regularly. A person who loves pasta can take a small portion of pasta with lots of veggies to stay healthy.

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Healthy Eating to Boost Mood and Energy Levels

People usually failed to carry out their routine tasks due to low energy levels. No matter what much they eat, they feel low. Exercising can help people feel better and even energized. They can even change their eating routine so that they stay vitalized the whole day.

Eating Tips to Stay Vitalized:

There are empirical evidence that eating behavior directly influences our bodily functioning. There are many things that people can add into their diet to stay vitalized and active:

An Apple a day keeps a doctor away!

Eating an apple helps in keeping people feel alive and active. It also improves digestion. It changes blood chemistry and uplift mood.

Take breakfast like a king!

Taking a proper breakfast cut off cravings to junk food up to 3-4 hours.

Include Fresh fruit!

Add fresh fruit in diet uplift mood. Citrus in oranges in kiwi leaves a refreshing impact on body.

Hydrate frequently!

Consume a lot of water each day. It helps in washing away body toxins that makes people feel low.

Smart Carbs!

Food rich in carbohydrates like wheat, cereals, and rice raise serotonin level.

Serotonin is a hormone directly related to mood. People can take caffeine rich foods like coffee, tea and dark chocolate to stay focused. High serotonin level makes people more focus and enhance mental clarity. Avoid sweets and sugar related stuff, it makes people feel lousy, dull and moody.

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Benefits of Pistachio In Daily Life

Many people are habitual of snacking during working hours or while leisure. Some of them do unconscious snacking. Poor eating habits contribute to obesity among people. Healthy or mindful snacking will avoid troublesome consequences. Experts believed that if nuts were consumed during hunger pangs, it would keep people’s stomach filled for longer period. In this case, people can grab a handful of pistachios with them. Pistachios are nutritious, they have:

  1. Copper
  2. Manganese
  3. Magnesium
  4. Vitamin A
  5. Vitamin B and B6

These elements strengthen nervous system, circulatory and immune system. It is beneficial for people with heart issues. It contains good fats. Pistachios are also high in fiber. They help in reducing hunger cravings. Pistachios contain antioxidants that lower cholesterol level and Arginine. Arginine is a substance that reduces build up plague in people’s arteries.

Eat it everyday

People can consume it in many ways. They can prepare honey bars with pistachios, almonds, honey, and peanuts. They are nutritious and quick to eat. Parents can give it to their children as a lunch or in breakfast. A fully prepared breakfast’s nutrition can be altered with these honey bars. People can take them in raw form as well as in salads. They can also use it in their deserts.



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Five Mood Boosting Foods!

It is a common saying that “You are what you eat”. Eating habits has an impact over people’s mood, when they consume processed foods they felt lazy and sluggish because they have preservatives in it. Some people are of the view that processed foods are not fresh food. In order to make them tasty manufacturers add more chemicals in them that alter their nutritive value. They can take foods to uplift their moods, stay healthier and happy forever.

Foods to uplift mood

Eat Cold Water Fish:

Lack of Omega-3 oils creates a feeling of dullness and reduces efficiency. People can add a small piece of fish in their consumption to uplift their mood and feel better.

Dried fruit-nuts:

Another rich source of Omega-3 oils is dried nuts. People can consume a hand full of pecans, peanuts, and walnuts to feel better. They can also take them in grinded form in shakes and ice cream.


All those foods rich in folic acid can accelerate serotonin release. Serotonin is a hormone that plays a vital role in emotions. Improved serotonin release will induce a feeling of happiness. People can consume spinach, as spinach is a rich source of serotonin.

Whole grains:

Taking a daily amount of selenium will help maintain a healthy state of mind. Whole grains are one of the sources of selenium. It reduces the feelings of anxiousness, irritability, hostility, and depression.

High protein foods:

Protein has Tryptophan that helps in mood regulation. Decreased amount of tryptophan could lead to aggression. People can take oats, bananas, dried dates, and low-fat dairy products to maintain their healthy state of mind.

People should also keep in their mind that for every moment they are angry, they lose 60 seconds of happiness. Mediation and yoga could also help in reducing aggression. Spending time alone can also help in getting a solution to any problem that makes them feel bad.

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Adding Chia Seeds in Your Daily Diet – Tips and Recipes

This ancient Superfood “Chia” is facing a renaissance in the health and fitness sector. Chia is the Mayan word for strength and often the warriors used to consume a spoonful of Chia seeds all day for running with strength.

Before we move on how to incorporate Chia Seeds in everyday life and recipes that can boost the health benefits of Chia seeds, here is a about these little bits of wellness:

Chia Seeds - The Raw Superfood

Regarded as a perfect Superfood, Chia Seeds originates from a plat Salvia Hispanica that comes in the mint family. It is the greatest source of Omega 3 and 6, and consists of 20% protein, 34% oil, and 25% fiber. Not only has that, these seeds also pack vitamin B, C and E and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron and niacin profusion.

Taking Chia daily will greatly detoxify you system from the debris and toxins, aid your regularity, and add to many other health benefits.

Adding Chia Seeds in Your Daily Diet Instantly:

The taste of Chia is very mild and tastes slightly nutty. Adding Chia raw in the diets will give you the ease of consuming them daily. You do not have to spend hours in making Chia recipes for adding them in your meals.

As they have little or no taste at all but are nutritionally abundant, raw Chia seeds are not only easy but also quick to use. Here are some ideas of adding Raw Chia in your diet quickly:

Drinking Chia Raw:

In the raw form, You can take them by taking take 1 1/2 tablespoons with just enough water to swallow, wait 5 minutes (time for the chia to absorb stomach acids) and drink a glass of water afterwards.

Adding Chia in Drinks:

A great way to add Chia in drinks is by making “Chia fresco”. You can make it by mixing fresh lemonade or limejuice with chia seeds – a very refreshing and very nutritional drink. You can also sprinkle chia over milkshakes and fresh smoothies.

Chia Breakfast:

If you cannot drink Chia, eat it. Sprinkle some of it over your cereals, or porridge.

Chia Sauces:

When you mix Chia seeds in liquids, and allow them to sit for 30 minutes, they start to turn into gel. This gel is a great thickener for sauces, in custards and in puddings. You can add this sauce in soups or take this gel with the baked goods.

Snacking on Chia:

Sprinkle Chia on top of salads, or mix it with your favorite Greek yogurt to enjoy a yummy, yet healthy snack in the evenings.

Chia-Enriched Replacements:

So, if you do not want to add chia raw in your diet, get Shakeology. This replacement drink is pre-loaded with the power of Chia Superfood, so when you replace one meal a day with Shakeology, you get the health benefits of the seeds as well.

The Daily Food Intake of Super Chia Seeds:

Many of the health-conscious, athletic people, as well as pregnant women are taking on these tiny seeds in their daily routines to get the nutritional punch, and energy boost, while replacing the lost nutrients of the body.

Definitely, Chia is taking up the glare of publicity due to its nutritional abundance and ease of use. With so much to offer, it is recommended that you try adding 3 teaspoons to 3 tablespoons of Chia in your daily life to enjoy supreme health.

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Controlling Obesity while Eating Healthy among Children

Most of the American children are becoming obese with the passage of time. Parents who are health and fitness conscious knew that obese children when turned to obese adults are prone to heart problems. This is the reason that they want their children to attract towards healthier lifestyle. Starvation and dieting can result in weight gain that is why it should never be encouraged by parents. There few tricks and tips to counter obesity:

Monitoring Children eating habits

Parents should monitor their children eating habits. When they are in day care, caretakers gave them extra diet that makes them obese. Careful monitoring of children’s eating habits can help parents keep a check on their child’s calorie intake.

Alternate eating

Parents can teach their children about alternate eating. For example, they can teach their children to eat baked food instead of fried food. They can introduce natural sweeteners like strawberries and raspberries instead of artificial jellies etc. They can take chocolate shake in place of sodas etc.

Controlled calorie in take

Experts believed that abandoning one thing like an extra cup of mashed potatoes or ice cream can reduce 100 calories from regular consumption of children and may aid them to reduce weight.

Regular exercising instead of Play station at home

Regular exercising and drills can help children stay active and healthy. Many sports like rugby, football, and basketball are healthy and can indirectly help these children to reduce weight quickly.

Health experts believed that by abandoning eating out each day may help obese children reduce weight and develop healthy eating habits. Parents can role-model their children and teach them to prefer eating more green foods rather than drive-thru and take away meals.

Posted in Children health, Eat Healthy, Eating, Health TipsComments (0)

Healthy Eating for Heart Patients!

Most of the Americans are surrounded by white and fried food when it comes to eating. They are too busy with their work routine that they hardly find a time tospend for healthy cooking and eating. They prefer take away meals and drive-thru to save their time. These unhealthy eating habits are directly affecting people’s heart creating cardio-vascular diseases. The American Heart Association has created a list of healthy eating diets for heart patients.

Category 1: Fruit

They can eat fresh, frozen, or canned fruit of any type. Eating fruit is healthy for all.

Category 2: Vegetables

They can take any type of veggies exclusive of that comes as a sauce pouch. They should thoroughly rinse veggies before use. They should ensure that these veggies are unsalted.

Category 3: Meat

They should take non-breaded fish, tuna, and salmon. They can eat any type of skin less fresh or frozen meat of chicken, turkey, pork, beef and lamb.

Category 4: Dairy

They can take low fat and skim milk. They can take low fat or part skim cheese, Neufchatel cheese and cottage cheese.

Category 5: Bread

They can take cereals, grains, and starches group. They can also eat pasta, rice, starchy veggies, homemade breads, loaf breads, Melba toast, matzo crackers, cooked cereals, and finally cooked cereals.

Category 6: Oils

They can take all types of heart healthy oils. These oils include canola, olive, cottonseed, corn, safflower, peanut, and soybean and sunflower oils.

There are few foods that heart patients should avoid these are whole milk, red meat, hydrogenated oils, hot dogs and all types of processed foods. All those foods that are high on sodium should be avoided. It is advised to consult cardio specialist to guide people according to their condition. Regular exercising is healthy for heart patients too.

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