Eat Healthy | Fitness Tip of The Day

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Tips to Maintain Healthy and Clean Diet during Vacations!

At home, its’ easier to follow on with the diet plan. During vacation, it is a challenge to stick to it. Many hotels do not write calorie per meals but others do. People can enjoy their vacations while sitting on their healthy diet bandwagon by following these tips:

Do a research:

Before leaving, people can do a research on which hotels and restaurants offer calorie per meals on their menu. You can mark their address and contact information in your diary and take it along with you.

Eat half of your meal:

Usually, hotels serves in large quantity. People can share their servings with their family or leave the half plate and pack it up to take it away. Else, people can leave their half plate straight away.

Eat intelligently:

People knew that desserts are high in calories. They can choose to eat it in small quantities. Limit eating creamy salads- they are high in calories. Prefer grilled chicken on fried one. Do the same for French fries- prefer baked chips to fried chips.

Bring snacks along with you:

People can pack small bags of nuts to combat their hunger pangs. These nuts keep stomach filled for longer period.

Eat at grocery stores:

People can choose to eat at grocery stores. They can grab fruits, raw veggies like carrots and even granola bars to fill their stomachs. People can also rely on packed sandwiches and wraps.

Cut proportion size:

While going out, people can fill their half plate with salads and fruits and half with a lean protein diet like fish or chicken to stay on their diet track.

Choose zero calorie beverages:

People can choose to drink diet sodas or no sodas at all. Sodas are high in sugar and cause cravings for more sugar. People can choose sugar free ice tea or ice water with lemon.

Knock off alcohol:

At times, one glass of alcohol gives you 500 calories. It is better to avoid it.

Take a walk:

People can wake up early and take a walk around their resort. Spending time at the resorts’ swimming pool and fitness center can help too.

Staying healthy and eating clean diet is not an issue these days. There are many vegetarian restaurants that can help people eat clean and healthy food around the globe. A minor indulgence at certain time can serve as a reward to staying on fitness track.

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Refreshing Summer Treats!

People are enjoying summers in pools, beaches and exotic picnic spots. People can boost their summer fun by mouth savoring summer treats. Children are usually on vacation these days. Instead of annoying their parents, they can help their parents to create colorful and healthy fruit treats. They are pretty simple to make. Few of summer treats are shared below:


People will love to have a peanut butter smoothie. They can create it by adding 2 Tbsp. Peanut butter, half of a pear or apple, 2 Tbsp flaxseed meal, 1/3 cup blueberries, a small banana, 1 cup of spinach, 1 cup low fat milk and a handful of ice (this is not needed if the banana is frozen). Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. It makes about 3 ½ cup servings.

Frozen yoghurt tubes

People can freeze low fat yogurt tubes to have in place of popsicles. It is healthy and nutritious. People can add fruit jelly in it if they like.

Trail mix treats

People can create it to bust off the summer effect. They can create few small frozen bags of dried fruits, whole grain cereals, nuts and seeds.

Fresh fruit

This is the simplest of all. People can take summer fruit like blueberries, strawberries, peaches and apricots, mix it in a blender with low fat cheese to make kobabs. People can also eat a lot of watermelon after swimming- its refreshing!

One-ingredient ice cream

Kids will love this one recipe ice cream. It is simple and taste pretty good. Take 2 ½ bananas, cut them in slices and freeze it for 2 hours. Take it out and blend it in a blender until smooth. Add raw honey to improve its flavor.

These summer recipes if created with kids will be fun and a healthy activity. It will help people to teach their children how to eat healthy and clean food at home instead of relying on junk food. Junk food make them obese and increase their proneness to heart diseases.

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What Beverage to Consume When Exercising?

Staying hydrated during workouts keeps body cool and prevents muscles from getting tired swiftly. Experts recommend drinking a lot of water, but no set amount of water is defined due to individual differences. Usually sport enthusiasts take supplements and shakes before workout but this is not a standalone solution. Water is considered as a best option to be taken during and after workout.

Energy drinks verses water

When people are doing workout for weight loss, water is the best choice. It will prevent people to gain more weight and to control caloric intake. Drinking 8 ounces of water 20-minutes before workout, 8 oz every 20-minutes during workout and 8oz after workout is recommended. Water is affordable for all and it is available easily. It affects body’s strength and prevents exhaustion. People can take it in simplest form or add lime, cucumber, and lemon to add taste.

Choose energy drink or sports drink for extended activity!

People can take sports or energy drinks if they workout for 60-minutes or more. Sports drink is better than energy drinks as they contain less caffeine and sugar. Intense activity makes your body lose essential electrolytes (sodium) through sweating. These sports drinks helps people to retain sodium in their blood levels. A decrease in sodium level can be dangerous. It can lead people to disorientation, coma, and even death.

Energy drinks on other hand promote mental well being and physical ability. Drinking an energy drink 10-60 minutes prior to physical activity improves focus and endurance.

It is recommended not to drink more than one energy drink a day. People should take water as a priority and sports drink only for extended activity duration.

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Healthy Stomach Secrets

Stomach aches or tummy pains are common problem among kids especially school going kids. It is a serious problem for kids as well as their parents when they have to rush to school. Spending much time at washrooms and skipping breakfast is a common reaction to stomach pain. There are many tips for parents to get rid of theirs kids pain.

Add more fiber

Fiber is the secret to healthier stomach. It keeps digestive system moving and clean. All sorts of fiber, soluble and insoluble are good. Add more fruits and veggies because they are a rich sources of fiber. Parents can consult their health experts to count on fiber quantities suitable for their kids. It is because too much fiber is not good.

More Yoghurt

Yoghurt is rich in pro-biotics that strengthens body’s immune system. This healthy bacterium is also present in body that helps digestion. It helps in getting rid of bad germs. Parents can serve their children with fruity toppings like apple and any seasonal fruit and jelly.

Cut down on sugar

Foods rich in sugar are said to add into painful cramps and gas. Even juices high in sugar can cause tummy pain.

Avoid frizzy drinks

Children nowadays prefer soda drinks to water when dehydrated. These soda drinks are high in sugar and contributes to tummy aches.

The best way is to get a diagnosis from health expert. If parents found that their kid has diarrhea, they can add more fiber in their diet to get rid of it. For constipation, kids should eat more veggies and whole grains to improve on fiber. In cases of stomach viruses, parents can start with re-hydrating drinks then, bland foods and finally adding more protein.

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Simple Tips to Stay Healthy

Instead of relying on medication and avoiding junk food and sugar-free stuff, people can modify their eating habits. Healthy eating habits keep people vitalized and strong. It prevents obesity and related disorders. People can add high fiber diet with more fruits and salad in each serving. Here are few tips that people can follow to stay healthy forever.

Do not compare to others

Others usually inspire people. They always wanted to look like actor etc. A simple tip is that people should compare themselves with their past. Comparing with some ideal figure might result in terrible outcomes.

Keep check and balance

People can keep a check and balance by avoiding sugar in one meal and going relaxed on the other meal. They can also keep their small pocket diet dairy along with them.

Serve small

People can serve themselves in small bowls. This can help them control their diet positively. They can choose to take five small meals per day instead of taking three large meals.

Prefer original ingredients

Avoiding processed ingredients will make it easier for people to stay healthy and eat fresh food. People should add original spices to add taste in their meals.

More color means more health

People should try to make colorful meals. It means that they should add in more veggies and salad in their diet. In addition, while cooking, they should include tomatoes, veggies, and lean meat.

Eat fresh

People should rely on fresh fruit and veggies instead of canned foods. Most of preserved foods are picked un-ripped and they do not remain fresh when they reach super store.

People can try to take many meals each day. They can also choose to have a small bowl of raw veggies between breakfast and lunch timings. They should indulge in exercise too. Being a potato couch will hinder their fitness results.

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Foods to Combat Calcium Deficit

Ageing is a root-cause of many diseases and disorders. At the time, women enter menopause, they started losing calcium, and their bones becomes thin and weak. It happens at the age of 51 among women. For men, it happens at the age of 71. Men and women needs to maintain their calcium level by taking diet rich in calcium to stop these effects of ageing. Healthy eating may help people rescue their bones. Here are few things that they can do about it:

Drink milk:

Drinking milk makes bones stronger. People can increase their milk consumption with time to combat calcium deficiency.

Eat Yoghurt and cheese:

Those people who hate to take milk directly can opt for alternatives. They can take cheese and yoghurt with fruit to make it more delightful.


Sardine is another great source of calcium. People can take it in many forms.


Turnip leaves and spinach are good for bones. People can consume green veggies to hurdle calcium loss from their bones.

Fortified foods:

Fortified cereals and juices can also help people retain their calcium in body.

Calcium tablets and supplements:

Doctors suggest supplements and tablets for those who have serious calcium deficit. More than 500 mg is not good for people as it might create stones in stomach etc.

Soy foods:

Not only dairy products but also plant based isoflavones improves bone density as indicated by latest researches.


Fatty fish like salmon is a rich source of calcium as well as Vitamin D. They are also rich in Omega-3 oils as well.

Nuts and seeds:

Peanuts and almonds contain potassium that decreases calcium loss in urine.


Any type of physical exercise improves bone density.

Eating healthy is the key to all diseases and disorders. People should exercise daily. Daily exercising not only keeps people healthy but makes them stronger too.

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How to Spot High Fats in Foods?

People had learnt a lot from different articles and posts that they should avoid high fat diets to stay healthy. The question that pops in everyone’s mind is that how they can do that. They are not health and nutrition experts. It does not require being a nutrition expert to sort out fatty foods if people keep a check on their diet. Here are few tips and tricks to avoid fatty foods:

Avoid anything labeled “FRIED”

Whether deep-fried or pan fried, fried food is unhealthy. People should be careful while purchasing groceries. They should read the labels and fat percentage on everything they buy. Some people may find “pan fried” healthier than “deep fried”, but it is not the case.

Check on Appetizers

Most of the appetizers seem healthy but people may not know if they are rolled in butter or cheese. Another definition to appetizer is a fat trap. Some people eat a lot of salad while considering it low in fat-that is awful. People should avoid appetizers like dips, garlic bread, fruit salad, stuffed mushrooms, and spring rolls.

Sometimes stir-fried veggies grab people’s attention. If it is fried, it is out of list for people interested in healthier eating.

Desist from desserts

No dessert is as such a low fat or low calorie dessert. Fruit salad free of sugar or artificial flavor could benefit people but other desserts will not. Abstain from eating desserts. People can eat cocktail fruit with no dressing at all. People can take it after washing the fruits thoroughly under water to free them from chemicals.

People can rely on baked, grilled, roasted, and boiled food to stay healthy and young. Drinking a lot of water could aid in getting rid of toxins from blood that contributes to weight gain.

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Ways to Stay on Diet Track

Eating healthy is matter of choice. People can choose to eat healthy if they purchase fruit and veggies alternative to junk food. There are many tips that people can follow to stay on track and prevent chances of weight gain.

Tips to stay on diet track

Prefer drinking water when hunger pangs strikes

People can drink a lot of water before grabbing a pack of chips. At times, they are not hungry at all.

Careful food selection for mid-night snacking

Mid-night snacking plays a vital role on the way people look like. People can choose to eat raw-veggies like carrots and fruits like an orange or apple to stay on diet track.

Enjoy favorite foods

Following a diet pattern does not mean that people make sacrifice for their favorite food especially sweet. They can eat a small proportion of sweet in morning and not on night. It is because whatever people eat in the morning is easily digestible whereas all the food they take at night contributes to lower body fat.

Take several meals throughout the day

Taking several small meals throughout the day will allow people to eat less at a single time. This helps them stay on their diet routine.

Eat protein at every meal

Eating protein strengthens key muscles fibers and tissues. These muscle fibers push body fat during workout resulting in burning calories.

People can take high fiber diet to control their hunger pangs. Take breakfast regularly. Those people who do not take proper breakfast eat more than who does it regularly. A person who loves pasta can take a small portion of pasta with lots of veggies to stay healthy.

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Healthy Eating Alternatives - Replace Fatty Foods with Low Fat Foods

Everyone likes to look healthy and fit. Women especially like to look lean and beautiful. What people eat directly contribute the way the look. It is necessary to focus on healthy eating habits to look spectacular. Food cravings can be dealt by making intelligent food choices. People can utilize the food alternatives given below to stay healthy and fit.

Choose pop-corns not chips

Instead of snacking on fried chips, people can choose pop-corn and baked fries. They are healthy and less fatty.

More Fiber and less fat

Start your day with high fiber brown whole grain breakfast. People can prefer whole-wheat cereal instead of granola.

Make no compromise on flavor!

Desserts are the easiest way to put-on weight. People can choose to eat mango or vanilla flavored ice cream instead of chocolate ice cream. Chocolate ice cream is high in fat and sugar.

Say “No” to high fat Pizza topping!

People can choose thin pizza crust with less cheese topping. People can also choose to add more veggies instead of fried chicken in their pizzas.

Prefer real fruit juice!

Instead of drinking sugar drinks, prefer real fruit juices that are rich in pulp. Real fruit juices are low in sugar and healthy.

Skip Cheese dips!

Skip cheese sauces and dips with snacks and chips.

Eat healthy spaghetti

People can choose to eat spaghetti with tomato sauces instead of cheese. People can also select wheat spaghettis to flour spaghettis.

Fat free frozen sea food

Avoid fried frozen foods. Prefer whole-wheat food. Fat-free frozen seafoods like fish, shrimps. Eat grilled frozen foods to stay healthy.

People should add more fruit and veggies to their daily diet to stay vitalized and active. Drinking more water helps in eliminating toxins from body. Eat healthy foods to stay fit and exercise regularly.

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Cheapest Kidney Cleanse-All Natural

Healthy kidney functioning is as important as other organs of our body. The main function of kidney is to clean blood from toxic waste. An interesting fact worth sharing about kidney is that our two kidneys filter our blood several times in five minutes. Body cleanse or only kidney cleanse can be harmful if done through chemical ways like medication etc. People should try to find natural ways to cure themselves instead of relying on laxatives and other detox. Here is one natural way to clean kidneys naturally:

Parsley Detox for Kidneys

People can create a natural parsley detox by following these simple instructions:

  • Take a bunch of parsley, wash, and clean it.
  • Cut it into small pieces and boil it in clean water for ten minutes.
  • Let it cool at room temperature.
  • Stain it and put it in a hygienic bottle.
  • Refrigerate it.
  • Drink one glass each day.

With the passage of time, it will naturally cleanse kidney of all harmful salts and toxins. Parsley is known as the best body cleanse treatment with no side effects. It is all natural and affordable for all. People can also grow it in pots and in their kitchen. Please note that parsley does not eliminate stones from kidneys. This natural detox is not recommended for pregnant women and women during their menstrual period. They can drink more water during these days to detox their bodies of toxins. This detox is cheap and affordable for all.

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