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How to add High Fiber Diet in Daily Routine

Humans have trouble digesting fiber because it is plant-based carbohydrates. It is recommended to consume 20 grams of fiber from food or supplements as indicated by USDA. People should intake high fiber food to prevent heart disease and type-two diabetes etc. Teenager and men are required to eat 30-35 grams of fiber each day. People can add fiber by following tips given below to satisfy their body’s everyday fiber consumption.

Instructions to add more fiber in daily meals


Eat more fruit

People should try to add a portion of fruit in their daily eating habits. These fruit should not be juicy rather fibrous. Raspberries and bananas are rich in fiber. It is advised to eat the peal of fruit like apple; it is rich in fiber too.

Eat beans

People should consume beans. They are economical and rich in iron, protein, and fiber. One serving of beans equals 25-30 percent of USDA recommended fiber.

Switchover to whole grains

Whole grains have more fiber than what people usually consume like potatoes, pasta and rice. Whole grains are rich in fiber because the bran and the germ of the grain has not been removed as in case of white grains.

Read nutrition labels

People can check nutrition label to see whether the food they consume is rich in fiber or not? People should consider eating wheat bread that has minimum 3g of fiber.

Eat vegetables

People should try to eat four servings of vegetables per day to maintain body fiber. They should eat more green vegetables over other meals.

In order to stay fit, active and healthy people have to work over their diets and eat clean food. The food available in cans have added flavor, additives, and preservatives. These additives are used to add flavor to food acts like toxins for body. People should eat more fruit and vegetables to stay healthy.

Posted in Dieting tips, Health Tips, Nutrition diet, Vitamins or supplementsComments (0)

The Best Nuts to use in Daily Life

Consuming nuts that are rich in nutrients is good for health. People usually consume nuts in winter season. However, consuming nuts during all seasons is beneficial for their health. Nuts are high in fiber and keeps stomach full for longer time-period. It also improves colon functioning. It reduces the chances of heart attack. A list of best nuts for health is given below. People can utilize them in their daily consumption to stay healthy.

Healthy nuts and their uses


Almonds are one of the favorite nuts people consume. They are rich in magnesium and vitamin E. They are low in unhealthy fats. They promote healthy colon functioning. One-quarter cup of almond can fulfill the required amount of human body’s magnesium and calorie requirements i.e. 25 percent of magnesium and 150 calories. People can consume them as ice-cream topping during summer season and brownie toppings and in deserts during winters. They can also be consumed in raw form.


Walnuts are one of the most famous nuts in the world. People like to consume it in raw form and in fruit salads too. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that keep heart healthy. They have anti-inflammatory properties. They are beneficial for patients of asthma and arthritis. One serving of chopped walnuts contains 180 calories.


Pecans are rich in nutrients. They have nutritional power of more than 19 vitamins and minerals i.e. zinc, magnesium, vitamin E and A, copper, potassium, and finally vitamin B etc. ¾ cup of pecan’s daily consumption could help in lowering cholesterol level while clearing arteries. People can consume pecans as a salad topping, as a coffee topping and for baking in cookies etc.


Cashews are high in copper and zinc that are essential for human body. One ounce of daily consumption can boost 160 calories to human body. People can consume it by adding it to salty as well as sweet dishes.

People can consume nuts in raw as well as in chopped forms. They are rich in nutrients and healthy for heart and body. Nuts are high on un-saturated fats and helps clear out arteries.

Posted in Eating, Nutrition diet, Vitamins or supplementsComments (0)

Three Tips to Eat Healthy during Weight Loss Workouts!

People usually spend hours for losing weight but they ignore their diet patterns. At times, people eat a lot after workouts because they felt weak. When they failed to get workout results; they left their workout plan and get disappointed. The main thing that they ignore is their diet patterns. Nutritionist believed that people ate more when they starve. This is one of the reasons why obese people grew fatter during workouts or while following a fasting pattern. People should consider three important things for their diet pattern to get workout results.

1. Eat food less in quantity and highly nutritious. People who want to lose their weight can have a small piece of chicken or fish not fried but grilled with less spices. People usually do not like food with less dressing. They can choose dressing options like adding a Worcestershire sauce or raw veggies with this meal.

2. People should make their mind to eat half of their meals and refrigerate the left over. They should re-heat the left over whenever they felt hungry instead of moving out for drive thru etc.

3. People should pack raw veggies in small bags in their refrigerator so that whenever they felt hungry they should eat healthy food. They should replace all the soda and wine with water bottles so that they drink healthy.

People should write a note that always keep them informed that whatever they ate in morning goes to their stomach; whatever they ate in dinner goes to their hips. They can put a sticky note over their refrigerator to remind themselves of eating healthy food.

Posted in Eat Healthy, Eating, Health Tips, Nutrition diet, Vitamins or supplementsComments (0)

Tips and Pre-cautions before using Supplements!

Many people take multiple supplements for various reasons. Some of them take it to reduce iron, vitamin or protein deficiency. Some take it for mass-muscle building while others take it through prescription. There are certain precautions that people should keep in their mind before taking supplements.

5 tips/ precautions before taking supplements

1. People should work over any supplement they were thinking of consuming beforehand. This would help them in making a healthy decision for them.

2. People should prefer to take supplements that are produced by well-reputed and well-known manufacturers. It is because well-reputed companies do not offer bad or poor quality products to its customers.

3. People should never overdose themselves from any supplement no matter how bad or low they felt. Over dosage may result in life-threatening results.

4. People who are suffering from cancer or those who are undergone cancer treatments should never take supplements at any cost without their physician consultation. It is because these supplements are known to have harmful effects among those patients.

5. People who are consuming prescription medicine should ensure that they are being prescribed by a qualified practitioner or medical officer.

Consuming high-quality medications with proper physician’s prescription is encouraged. It is also advised to check the supplements ingredients before purchasing them. Look for manufacturing and expiry date too and ensure that they are free from steroids and harmful ingredients.

Posted in Fitness tips, Health Tips, Nutrition diet, Vitamins or supplementsComments (0)

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