Benefits of Lemon Peel - Fitness Tip of The Day
Friday, June, 23, 2017

Benefits of Lemon Peel

The benefits of lemon are numerous. However, fewer people pay attention to the rind and that’s a shame!Because the yellow skin of lemon is the most valuable part of a lemon. Lemon peels, also known as citrus limonum, which contain more vitamins and nutrients than the fruit itself.

So why should you consume lemon peels after all? Consider the following 12 reasons:

  1. Grated lemon peels are good source of beta carotene, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and folate. You canadd a few teaspoons to salads for flavoring and garnishing.
  2. Want some extra fiber in your diet to improve digestive system? 3.5 fl. oz of lemon skin contains 10.6 gm of dietary fiber, good for digestion.
  3. The citrus bio-flavonoids in lemon peel have the ability to lower the levels of oxidative stress.
  4. A lemon peel contains elements known to eradicate toxic components within our body.The consumption of lemon peels reduces a cholesterol levels, which in turn improves cardiovascular activity.
  5. Are you at risk for osteoporosis? Calcium and vitamin C in lemon skin can strengthen bones.
  6. Do you want a strong immune system to fight against ailments and infections? Consider adding lemon peelin meal preparations. It will add great taste to your meal.
  7. Lemons have anti-microbrial agents which can ward off bacterial fungi and infections.
  8. Wrinkles, acne, pigmentation, and other variousskin conditions are general signs of aging. The essential nutrients, citric acid, and vitamin C purify your body’s blood vessels.
  9. The pectin found in this lemon’s skin promotes weight loss.
  10. Limonene and salvestrol Q40 are components found in lemon peels. Scientists have discovered that these natural occurring elements even fight cancer cells.
  11. Dental and gum issues like, bleeding gums, and scurvy can also be healed by increasing vitamin C intake.

Although it is better to eat inner part of fruit, the outer part of a lemon can also be used around the house for cleaning purposes. For instance, sprinkle a bit of salt on a squeezed lemon half before rubbing it on a greasy kitchen counter. Wipe clean with a cloth or towel. You can also use lemon skin to polish copper and refresh a cutting board.

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About Sendra Roger

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