7-Dangerous Exercises | Fitness Tip of The Day

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7-Dangerous Exercises

People like to stay fit and healthy. Some of them have created their own gyms others have joined public gyms. At gym, novels are at highest risk to damage their muscle tissues and fibers and even bones. Here are those seven dangerous exercises:

Lat pull-down behind the head

People need mobile shoulders joints to workout with this machine. If the moves go wrong, it will result in injury. A safer alternative is a safer lat pull-down.

Military press behind the head

This move in which people move a weight bar behind their head is equally dangerous as that of lat pull-down. A safer military press could be in front of people’s face while keeping the dumbbells or weight bars in front of their face.

Up right row

This move can compress shoulder nerves. It can also impinge the shoulder area. A safer up-right row could be lifting weight from the side of body.

Leg press with cramped knees

This exercise becomes dangerous when people press their legs past 90 degrees. People can maintain their legs at 90 degrees to exercise safely.

Squats on the smiths machine

A helpful exercise to tone people’s lower body. The problem lies where people put their feet farther away in front of their bodies. A better posture could be to bend in a sitting posture and do squats.

Bad posture on cardio machines

A bad posture on treadmill will affect spine, shoulders, and posture. People should set their treadmill according to their natural gait and easy to hold posture.

Weight belt

Weight belt is not necessary to lift small weights. Weight belt will slack of people’s muscle. It is necessary that people should consult their personal trainers. In worst cases, injuries can happen at any point anytime. People should also read about specific workout moves before getting started to avoid injuries.

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