5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism | Fitness Tip of The Day
Thursday, March, 20, 2014
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5 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Metabolism is the process of burning calories. This chemical activity helps convert food into energy. A poor metabolism of the digestive system could lead to storing of the food as body fats rather than converting them into energy. Good metabolism is vital for sustained health. Here are some tips on how to boost your metabolism.

Eat when You Need

Eat less but eat when you feel hungry. When you feel hungry, your digestive system is fully prepared to digest food. This point also implies to eat healthy. So, avoid over eating and avoid unhealthy eating. Psychologically, when you feel like eating, ask yourself “Shall I eat an apple right now?”, if your answer is no then you are not hungry but just bored. Don’t eat merely for the sake of time pass.

Take Green Tea

Green tea is a great metabolism booster. Along with anti-oxidant and ant-biotic properties green tea also boosts metabolic rate and fat oxidation level.

Strength Training-Go Slow

Fitness experts say lifting weights help burn calories and build muscles. New scientific research indicates doing it slow can magnify the outcomes.

Don’t starve your body

Starving your body could signal your body to store as much fats as it can. On starvation mode, body tends to store fats around hips, on tummy, chin and thighs. Starvation mode leads to a slower metabolic rate as well. So, starving yourself for weight loss is the worst idea.

Take Supplements

Do take supplements of calcium and mineral if you need, but be careful while doing so. Choose the healthiest products that are tested for positive results and have no side effects.

About Sophia Keller

Hi, I am Sophia Keller. Thanks for sparing time for me! Basically, playing with the words of English has been my pastime till date. The words abode is always in the dictionary but infusing a new life in to them is the job of a person who knows the knack of coinage. My areas of writing are health and fitness :)

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