Winter is your enemy. Freezing temperatures force you inside, where you shovel heaps of high-fat comfort foods down your gullet. Before you know it, you’ve gained 10 pounds and your New Year’s resolution has you shackled to a treadmill. Winter weight gain isn’t just an urban myth; it’s driven by biology and fueled by mood. In fact, most of us gain between three and four pounds during the winter months, despite our best efforts. But fret not: You can combat winter weight gain and remain slim and trim for spring. Following are some tips to avoid weight gain during winter.
Start Indoor Sport
Instead of mindlessly keeping warm by snuggling up with the TV on, why not you start with a winter sport? There is plenty available and all the added exercise will help you sleep better and may have an impact on your waistline. And keeping fit can help your immune system so you might even be able to ward off those winter colds and flu. Try indoor netball, dancing, swimming or yoga for fun activities that can be performed inside or even consider taking a few classes at the gym to get fit and maintain that slim physique.
Take a Break from Sugar
Another thing that results weight gain is found in kitchen cupboard, in sugar bowl. As the temperature drops and you start wearing more layers, sugary snacks become a temptation hard to resist. Summer days are filled with delicious (and healthy) fruits; it can be all too easy to reach for a second helping of chocolate to enhance a dreary day. There are plenty of easy ways you can cut out sugar and the replacements are often just as delicious, but come with fewer calories, so you can stay trim.
Set Motivational Plans
Plan an active spring vacation to get you through the cold winter months such as a hiking excursion or a road trip to the coast so you can do all sorts of outdoor activities. Or plan something motivational such as a half marathon, so you’ll be forced to start training as soon as possible.
Choosing Healthy Alternatives
It’s hard to eat right when you don’t have access to fresh fruits and veggies like you do in the summer. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t delicious alternatives—winter’s low-cal gems such as oranges and acorn squash are delicious and filling. Also try oatmeal and low-calorie soups as well.
Don’t Take Stress
Holidays come with stress, over-spending and hosting in-laws and family members; and as a result stress comes with stress eating. When it comes to weight loss, stress reduction is extremely important, according to Pam Peeke, MD, MPH, and author of The Hunger Fix. Dr. Peeke suggests making a plan: be aware of the stress factors in your life (or one’s you deal with during holidays), make note of them, and decide how you will handle them before they get the better of you.